Tie & O key



1 year, 3 months ago


he/she   he/it

object: tie/O key

height: 7'1ft 3ft

age: 26y.o.  21y.o.

pan, bi ace


- tie stars in alot of jepardy like shows with O key, tho they didnt overlap shows before VaseStrikers. they were invited cause both of them are friends w the host,

 w whom they competed with on other shows before as he was also a contestant once

- tie - tierad theosis bell

- O key - dave ostritch

- when they were finalists of "VaseStrikers" host dissapeard out of thinn air on the final question. they banned that episode from airing again, and paid them 2 to never speek of it again.

- very invested were the fuck host disapeard to

- after apearance (its a large tineskip, now theyre living together n dating) they house ian, after alot of people Apeard out of thinn air     they all work to solve the misery of the white void


- o Key is hyper active, and says okiii :3 almost every day

- tie is ebdeared to how oki over all is