Ember's Comments

Any offlimits (aka is there anyone in that folder you wouldn’t want to trade)?

nope! although i'm tent with the more expensive ones

I didn’t really see anyone, sorry :(

Would you accept art?

Sure, how much would you want to do? ✨

Their worth is around 30 so maybe either one shaded headshot or 2 simple ones?

Their worth is around 30 so maybe either one shaded headshot or 2 simple ones?

2 simple ones is fine with me 🕺

You can do anyone in my mains if you would like to: https://toyhou.se/strayyed/characters/folder:5499502

Perfect! I’ll try to be as quick as possible

Hey sorry for the lack of updates! Do you maybe got dc so i could send you sketches?

I do, yeah 


Hey there, someone else has put in an offer, and due to the length of time, you may cancel your art. Thank you for offering still, tho