
6 years, 2 months ago



First Name Hisa

Family Name Kujira

Age depends

Birthday 13 June

Orientation Pansexual

Gender Female

Height 5'4" / 163cm

Weight 116 lbs / 54kg

Blood type Type O

Occupation U.A Student / Hero Sidekick

Class depends

Worth 120$



stubborn, determined, astute, charismatic, smooth talker, curious, very empathetic, gullible, loyal, usually unpunctual, open to new things, very confident (fake it till you make it), cheeky and challenging - when she likes you enough she gets flirty but is easily flustered if you flirt back or give her compliments, gives you space if needed - expects the same from you, passionate, persuasive, respectful, good listener, affectionate with close friends / animals, lazy with school work (but takes training serious), works best under pressure, calm in dangerous situations, over thinks a lot, grumpy on mornings when she gets no food, likes to be the center of attention, jokes around a lot and tries hard to be on everyone's good side, very talkative and a social butterfly, can motivate others really good, very supportive, a bit restless when forced to be in one place for long, adventurous, gets bored fast, loves praise (would never admit it!), a bit annoying if you don't like outgoing people, very sensitive when the phe media brings up her dad and her possible turn against her friends

Backstory (work in progress)

She was born as middle child. She has one older and one younger half brother.She was the result from a affair and definitely not planned. Her  father was already fully into shady business before her birth, including  kidnapping, drug trafficking, money laundering - you name it, he has  done so many things but swears that he never killed someone on purpose  (maaaaybe on accident). But it was never publicly known who he was. Her mother also knew nothing about that so she decided to give Hisa in his care. The situation at home with her husband had to calm down before she could even think about seeing her daughter again.

Kujira Hitoshi, adored his daughter the first moment he saw her. He raised her together with his own mother till Hisa was 8. He saw no problem in raising a child, he spent all of his free time with her.  Getting more than worried when she was ill, learning with her for  school, doing homework with her, cooking together.. let's just say both were never bored around each other and that's something hard to achieve because both get bored easily.

Hisa had a nice home and got everything she wanted, yes she was (and still is!!) her fathers princess.

But that should change after her father got almost caught. Hitoshi's face and name got revealed to the public, he lost his job at the bank  but immediately ranked up in the organization of his boss (something  similar to the yakuza, I guess, just international and pretty much just after money and power). After this incident he and hisa's grandma decided to  give her back to her mother - he was more than mad about that but was convinced fast that this was the best option they had.  He promised Hisa to see her as often as possible.

Well to say that her mother was not excited to see him and her daughter again is more than understated. Her stepdad even called the  police after this and Hisa was asked many questions but she answered  none of them or she lied that she never knew about anything. She always knew about it though. 

.. Met cho (best friend) in middle school, he was the new transfer student and saved her from bullies. Since than she decided that they were best friends and with time he also came to accept that.

.. The only one in her family that likes her (on her mothers side) is her younger half-brother. He is his sisters biggest fan and she is his. They are both in the hero course although he is in the year under her.

... She still meets with her father at least once per month, ofc in secret - both of them are just going to eat something and talk etc.. they also communicate through social media. 

(maybe her secret gets busted in future?? or she faces her father in a fight - both of them couldn't harm each other I NEED DRAMAAAA aaaa)

"Hiya! Want to be friends?"













  • strawberries, peaches, fast food
  • training, gaming, sleeping, shopping
  • math and science, drama club
  • making new friends, hugs and combat
  • spending time with her dad

  • yogurt, mangos, white chocolate
  • feeling sore, flying, shouting
  • lying, bad mouthing people, rumors
  • snakes, homework, speaking english
  • her stepdad and older stepbrother


Alignment chaotic good

Virtue kindness

Enneagram 7

Sin envy

Element earth

Tarot the magician

Quirk - Gargoyle

Quirk Type: Emitter
Description: Hisa can turn others (and things) to stone with a single touch. It needs time to turn someone fully into stone, it possible needs  more than one touch. When she touches them longer this process will be a  lot faster. Only she is able to bring the people/things she turned to  stone back to life. She can turn herself into stone too - making her  punches very painful but, she even gets small, stone-like wings when  excited. They tend  to appear and be gone without her will. also to small to lift her up.
She is able to control stone but she fears that people just see the  connection with her father and accuse her of being a future villain. That's why she can only move small rocks and stones with a lot of focus and time - she never trains that power. When she turns to stone too often she'll be sore for days.

  • When she gets excited her wings will start to grow out and are fluttering uncontrollably making her hover.
  • She gets really relaxed if someone is styling or combing her hair.
  • She's very happy that no one came up with the idea to call her medusa, she is scared of snakes.
  • Hates to wear new shoes and wears a pair until it's literally gone, she always manages to get blisters on her feet.
  • Her hero name is Moria, coming from the word kōmori = bat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis.