Hold for Astersigh's Comments

offering $30, cant go higher just yet sadly

wondering if you could still do this? may accept this 

Yep, but I have to wait until the 1st of next month since I don't get paid until thenn. If it goes up or another offer is accepted, lmk.

hello, thank you for getting back to me so soon! unfortunately i have accepted another offer, but tysm for the interest!

Feel free to look thru here!
Owlpaw is off! I would like to know usd range too! I could offer 25$+

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cryptidcaine, wiltedmoth and moonlitcrow caught my eye, but im not sure if id trade for any of them! 

also, if you did happen to take pings for shadedcrescent please let me know! they are such a dreamie!

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no worries, and thank you!

saw ur eo!!! u can glance at my th

feel free to look around my th! mains offlimits

i could consider trading them!

Alr!! Just keep me updated, im up to do the trade if u are ^_^

hello! i can do the trade! <3

Alr !! Ill send Caramel over!

1 Replies

feel free to look around my th! only offlimits is 001 <3

I dont see anyone that I think I'd really use!

that’s alright! thank you for looking ^_^

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I do like https://toyhou.se/20177189.lisianthuswidow if thats possible ! Id still like to wait before accepting, though, just so other people have a chance to offer, if thats ok? ^_^

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Hello !! Im thinking id be up to accept lisinthius for her if ur up for it too! Feel free to point out someone else in my sales as an add-on or maybe I can add on some art if youd like, too

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All good!! Thankya for letting me know !

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Would love a ping if the offer falls through!


I’m not sure if anyone in my market folder interests you because there isn’t really any new guy lol, but tysm for the ping!

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their on hold

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eee anyone in my th ?


https://toyhou.se/17717833.tilkatide (would have to think on it but most 

https://toyhou.se/20569377.lillielace (if u could add on something extra thatd be awesome since irs only a headshot design ! but i can still think on it if not :3)


i could possibly do lillielace because what is shown is their older design , so itd just be me giving away the previous design if thats fine with you ? i could totally add like a fullbody to make it more fair , just lmk ! ^^

i can do her plus the full!! feel free to dm me on discord (shaggy#7164) so we can discusss


im sorry what?!?😭

lichen was the design you were interested in! was just offering him plus art <3

oo i see! could you send the link for them?

i can think abt it!

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https://toyhou.se/18624880.tbbnhshsjs her but may have to think abt it !

unfortunately none interested me!

Would love a ping on them, if they ever go ufo (If thats okay of course)!!

ping! they r eo

unfortunately i dont think i saw anyone that interested me but ill keep your art/custom in mind!

Sorry to spam i just thought about this a second ago but I also do have a handful of non warriors / colorful ocs!! I wasnt sure if ur interested in those, i always forget i have them https://toyhou.se/WinglessCanary/characters/folder:3348079 https://toyhou.se/11118513.moon https://toyhou.se/13633220.tbn https://toyhou.se/6446294.ferris https://toyhou.se/16347429.cherri https://toyhou.se/15315322.cherry https://toyhou.se/16450161.strawb

sggdh im sorry still didnt see anyone 😭💔