I just wanted to say your style is really gorgeous!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that ^-^ <3

If this is still open, can I get one for these two characters? https://toyhou.se/1553913.raja https://toyhou.se/20097939.sylveret-vilauclaire-#60863531

Alright let me shoot you a message!

Hiya! I would love to snag one of this character if a slot is available! 


Slots are indeed open! I’ll send yoh a message now! 

Could you perhaps do a redesign art piece of a character I already own?

Possibly! But that would be considered a custom and I’d charge  $20 instead assuming it’s still just a sketch bust!

I'd love to snatch one of my friend's oc ! https://sta.sh/026e19ithkxn 

Sure thing! I'll send u a message now.

I'll take a couple.

Of course! I'll send you a message now

This user's account has been closed.

Sure I'll send you a dm!

Hi. I'd love one :3

https://toyhou.se/14707149.jianguo with an angry expression 

Sending you a dm now!

I'd love to get one for https://toyhou.se/15081316.tyago !

Of course! I'll dm you now :)

Whats your TAT atm?

Tat? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that acronym ;u;

Turn around time

OH! That makes sense haha, between same day and maximum three days!