Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hi, welcome to my little voidscape! We are currently renovating!
I am currently on a hiatus!

I am now 18 so some things will change be aware of that

Please do not follow/sub to me if you do not like blood or horror as i really like drawing that but it is tagged so if you really wanna you can, but please do it at your own risk.
Same with NSFW i plan on drawing some, ofc it will be marked and have sfw icons but please keep that in mind

Small rules! 

DO NOT put any sonas or mascots into a dreamies or wishlist folder, most if not all i use to represent me and i don't like the idea of someone wanting a character that's basically me if that makes sense?

Don't be shy to ask for a character but be prepared to be shot down at times, i will not give you an oc if you mass ask on multiple ocs.
Normal DNI

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hey hey! This oc may contain flashing lights or bright colors!

please do not view if you are at risk of any health issues such as seizures!

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!