★Virulai - GOOGLIE★



1 year, 3 months ago


Googlie | They/It | Adult | Virulai

Googlie's boundless and FULL of energy, and quite the chatterbox! They're super passionate, super sweet and fun to be around (if you can handle their over excitement, that is..)! They love making friends and get along swell with others, finding great joy in being around other people. Googlie's never been mad Once in their Whole entire life, and finds pride in the fact they're near impossible to frustrate!! Though when left to their own devices, Googlie tends to feel a little lonely.. They can't help being so happy and so excited about so many things- it's literally built into their code!! 

One of Googlie's favourite passtimes is observing their surroundings. They just love to Look! Watching birds, people watching, watching paint dry, you name it, they've looked it! Because of this incredible level of patience to simply sit and watch just about anything, they have an AMAZING memory. Could tell you word for word something you said to them over 12 years ago! So uh. Maybe be nice! Because they'll sure as heck remember it. That being said though, Googlie doesn't hold grudges! They just don't like sour feelings in general, and simply choose to manifest happier, more constructive feelings and thoughts. 

Googlie wasn't quite sure why they were created, as a Virulai. Everybody else seems to have a specific purpose, or a long drawn out history that explains exactly who they are/were. But out of all the things to remember- Googlie has no sweet clue what their past is!! But after pondering for so long, they decided to go with the idea that they were put into this world to observe, appreciate and learn about the world around them! Because that sounds like fun.