Kinsley Mintz



1 year, 3 months ago
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Name Kinsley
Gender Queer Guy
Age Immortal Adult
Pronouns E / He / Ne / They
Species Domestic Cat / Overseer
Sexuality Queer
Height 5'3''
Role Trouble Maker
Build Soft
HTML Pinky


  • Birds
  • Rocks / Gems
  • Architecture


  • Boredom
  • Authority
  • Loneliness

Kinsley is a tired little guy who's constantly up to no good. He loves pulling pranks and generally being mischievous.

He's a Overseer, a powerful type of being that watches over what happens on the mortal plane for their own entertainment. However, he keeps this information hidden from those around him, and tries to live his life as a mortal would.



Kinsley is a tired little guy who's constantly up to no good. He loves pulling pranks and generally being mischievous. He teases and picks on his friends, but it's always in good fun.

Sometimes (more commonly than they'd like to admit) their pranks backfire in some way or another. This usually results in them blowing up in their face, whether that be figuratively or literally.

He's surprisingly artistic, and enjoys architecture. In his free time he sketches mock up concepts for various buildings, houses, etc.

E has no qualms with "borrowing" things without asking.

They're very competative, often starting competitions without necessarily meaning to. Additionally, they don't like authority being over them, and this combined with their competativeness often results in them challenging the authority in some way or another... Which is why they're self employed.

Known to be easily grumpy.


Daily Life

Kinsley works as an architect, creating plans for various types of buildings and constructions. He works under contracts, both with companies and with individual clients who're looking to design their own homes.

His home is full of various collectables, most notably his rock and gem collection. He has a study with a copious amount of sketches and architecture books.

E has several pet birds.


Kinsley is a Overseer, a powerful type of being that watches over what happens on the mortal plane for their own entertainment. They spent their life with other Overseers, following the lives of various individuals until they eventually passed.

However, over the years, Kinsley grew attached to mortals and their way of life. He decided to do something no Overseer he had heard of had done before- actually become a part of the lives of those they were watching.

E then spent eir time wandering the mortal plane, pretending to be a mortal emself and experiencing the kinds of lives e had spent so much time watching from afar. E experienced many different things that e had never even dreamed e would be able to experience emself one day.

Once they had experienced many different things as a supposed mortal, they met Sebastian and Havarti, and grew attached to the two mortals. Kinsley decided to settle down nearby and the relationship between the three blossomed. However, they still do not know that Kinsley is a Overseer.

The other Overseers find Kinsley quite fascinating, as he abandoned his duty of watching in favour of experiencing. As such, they keep a close eye on him, and find his antics quite entertaining.


  • He designed his own home
  • Leaves and other small plants sprout from his fur
  • He has wings on his back that he can change the size of. Normally they're small so they aren't in the way, but when he wants to fly they're larger so that they're powerful enough to carry his weight
  • Loves wearing sweaters and leggings
  • Nyr favourite colour is red



Sebastian is one of Kinsley's partners. The two have known each other for quite a long time now, and Sebastian was Kinsley's first true close friend. Kinsley tends to get lonely when Sebastian isn't around for some time.

The two subconsciously take things from one another without really thinking about it. They've come to the agreement that this is fine.

Kinsley, Sebastian and Havarti often get up to all sorts of silly shenanigans together.


Havarti is Kinsley's second partner. Kinsley met Havarti after they met Sebastian, but they are similarly close to one another. Despite Kinsley normally being the kind of person who starts chaos, when it comes to Havarti, Kinsley is often the one trying to keep her under control. They often get annoyed by her antics, but it's no secret that they care about her greatly.

Kinsley, Sebastian and Havarti often get up to all sorts of silly shenanigans together.


Theodore is one of Kinsley's best friends. Despite the fact that Kinsley likes to pick on and target Theo, the two do actually get along quite well, and Kinsley does care about Theo a great bit.