Dewey Demon



6 years, 1 month ago



Dewey is a huge demon who isn’t so bright. They find the simplest things fascinating

Basic information 

Full name: Dewey Demon

Nickname: Dewey, Dew

Birthday: June 4th 2840

Species: Exotic Demon

Gender: Genderless they/them

Height: ~155 feet

Sexuality: N/A

Languages spoken: Demonic, English


Likes: Dream catchers, humans, winter, cars, mirrors

Dislikes: Water, cold, being small, food


Dewey is a complete and utter dumbass. Their intelligence is barely comparable to that of a 3 year old child. Because of this, they often rely more on their instincts rather than intellect. When around more intelligent beings, Dewey will often try to mimic their mannerisms, but because of their intelligence they rarely do it correctly. Dewey will never ask “why”, or question how things work. It’s not that they aren’t curious, they are, it’s just that the thought has never occurred to them.


Addictions: None

Mental illnesses: None

Physical illnesses: Weak neck (can’t be held up straight), emaciated

Disabilities: None

Allergies: Water

Fears/phobias: Water


Dewey can put someone in a hypnotic trance by looking them dead in the eye. They cannot control someone with this ability, only put them in a trance. This ability is not a conscious choice, Dewey only really does it when their instinct tells them to.


Strengths: Huge size

Weaknesses: Water will kill them

Weapons/tools: None


    Dewey was summoned back in the day, when demon Summoners were still highly respected members of society. It wasn’t the Summoner’s intention to bring a creature so large into Mirror Domain, but demon summoning is completely random when done by an Oomay. Panic ensued as the 155 foot tall giant rose from the depths, crushing the summoner and their camp.

Once released into Mirror Domain, Dewey instantly became a legend. There was only one other creature comparable to their size in all of the realm! Of course word would get out about a 155 foot tall demon. An Exotic demon, at that. Their size and breed made them extremely rare, and extremely valuable.

Demons and Oomays alike attempted to hunt Dewey. Oomays did it for the bounty. The fame and fortune that came with slaying a mighty beast. Demons did it for the status. If they could kill something so powerful, they’d take their place in the ranks. Still, Dewey proved to be far too powerful for all of them. Years passed, many tried to slay Dewey, many failed. Their bounty increased, but people eventually stopped attempting to hunt them. It was too risky.

The longer they were hunted, the more wary of others Dewey became. Eventually they realised that pretty much anyone they met would try to kill them. Sure, one opponent could be easily taken out, but people were starting to wise up. Traveling in groups, using better weapons, playing to Dewey’s weaknesses. It was too stressful, so Dewey set off to find a territory of their own. Survival would be easier if they had a safe space to reside in.

Dewey’s search for a suitable territory lasted many months. At times, an area would appear clear, only for them to discover a small settlement in it. Sure, they could have just wiped out the settlements and claimed the area as their own, but Dewey knew that killing people only caused more to appear. They didn’t know why, but it didn’t matter to them. All that mattered was not drawing attention to themselves any more than they already had.

Eventually Dewey found a place to call their own. It was in one of the many vast, barren plains that populated Mirror Domain. There was no water for miles. No mud or oil either. This made survival difficult for just about anything. Dewey counted on people traveling to hunt them as a food source. As for water, it was unnecessary. Dewey’s exotic anatomy made water lethal, so there was no need for it.

So, Dewey’s reign on this land began. Word got out of their residence, but people generally avoided it. There was no place to hide in such a vast open area, and outrunning a creature of Dewey’s size was almost impossible. A few brave travelers, Oomay and demon, attempted the journey, but the harshness of the terrain proved to be too much for many of them. The select few that actually made it to Dewey were promptly crushed or devoured.

One morning, as Dewey was wandering around their land, they found something unusual. Something they’d never seen before. It was a large temple (comparatively speaking) made completely of a reflective glass surface. The reflection made it hard to see. At eye level, for Dewey, it just looked like more flat terrain. They had to lower their head considerably to even see the thing! Curiosity got the best of them, so they decided to examine it closer.

The glass building was too small for them to enter, as most buildings were, but they could see inside of it if they looked through the door. The inside of the building was partially made of stone, and partially made of the reflective glass. A large decorative chandelier hung over the main entrance. It was a pretty place. Dewey liked it, although part of the reason they liked it was because it was reflective. They quite enjoyed gawking at their reflection. Dewey decided to claim this temple as their own. It was in their territory, after all.

After a few minutes of admiring the beauty of the temple, something caught their attention. A sharp, searing pain in their hind leg. They jerked their long neck around to see what was causing it, but they saw nothing. At least, not at first.

On the ground, right by their foot, was a very tiny being. A creature that was small, even compared to normal sized ones. Dewey could sense it was another demon. As usual, they attempted to simply squish the thing and be done with it, but the tiny demon was too quick for them. They tried a few more times, but it was a fruitless effort.

That's when Dewey heard something. The tiny demon was talking to them! It introduced itself as Klaus, and he pleaded with Dewey to stop flailing about. Klaus seemed particularly interested in the glass temple, and he didn't want Dewey to accidentally destroy it. But, why was Klaus so protective of this thing? Sure, it was pretty, but that couldn't be it.

After talking for a bit, Klaus explained his plans. This temple was made out of a material called a "mirror". These mirrors could be used to travel across dimensions. Klaus was going to use them to travel to different worlds, collect valuable items, and sell them for a profit. Dewey didn't understand anything Klaus was saying, but they did understand that Klaus needed help.

Klaus, being so tiny, needed something big to protect him as he traveled. Sure, Dewey was a fair bit bigger than what he was looking for, but with Dewey came status, and Klaus desperately needed status. So, after some negotiating, Dewey and Klaus formed a partnership.

Dewey would allow Klaus to use their territory (and the temple) as his base of operations. This would allow Klaus to keep his hoard of valuables safe, even when he wasn't there to guard it. Dewey would also accompany Klaus to realms where his new form would be beneficial, and they'd act as Klaus' bodyguard. In return, Dewey would reap the benefits of the smuggling ring. While they didn't understand the logistics, the whole thing sounded like a lot of fun! Dewey had never had a friend before.

So, that's where Dewey is today. Helping Klaus and the gang in the ongoing trials that come with illegal trade. Life has never been so exciting!

Artist notes


Clothing: N/A

Physical appearance: Chunky ugly looking face. Long neck that’s always bent in some unnatural way. They aren’t a giraffe, so please don’t draw their neck straight/upright. Their body is very thin and emaciated, but the thick messy fur hides this pretty well. Honestly, their body is almost always in some crazy unnatural pose, just due to the nature of their character.

Expressions: Crazy eyes, open mouth smile, silly, confused


I made Dewey in 2016 from a colour palette challenge. I was given a palette and I had to make a character out of it. Originally they were more cat like, and bright pink pupils. Now they’re more shark/dinosaur like