Klara Ann Becker



1 year, 1 month ago


Klara Ann Becker
Age 15
Gender (she/her) female
ethnicity german
race white
D.O.B 10/17/08


When it comes down to Kara's personality. She can get quite sarcastic especially when she's frustrated about something thing. She's also quite a hardworking person and quite a serious girl as well. Perhaps a little too serious at times especially when she talks about fairytales or something related to Germany that may seem concerning for others but for her it's rather quite normal. Despite this, she never has ill intent on purpose at least and would apologize if she ends up offending someone. Deep down, she's a sweet girl but she doesn't show it as much unless you're quite close to her.

  • Pink. She is absolutely obsessed with the color pink that her wardrobes is mostly filled with it.
  • Ballet is her passion 
  • She also loves reading especially tales from Germany
  • Jewelry especially if it has any significant meaning
  • Her beloved country of course, Germany
  • She loves doing makeup for others. She doesn't know why but she feels joy by doing it. She does her own makeup everyday.
  • Red. Even though pink is a shade of red. She absolutely hates the color red espiacally since it associates with some specific era.
  • Winter, never liked it Germany, hates it even more in the USA since she lived the northern side.
  • People bringing up a specific era to her. Unless it's a genuine question, no she isn't prideful for her country for that particular thing in the past.
  • Mockery, she absolutely hates it whenever someone tried to mock her.
  • Immigration topics. Not that she struggled to migrate from Germany to the USA. But she gets overly sensitive whenever she hears problems with other people's story of immigration. You may say it's her weak spot.

Klara comed from Germany, however she transferred from Germany to the United States because her families business happens to become more successful there as well as having close relatives living there. Klara is a natural blonde but her eye color being pink is simply eye contacts. Her natural eyes are actually blueish-greenish. Klara is a young teenager who wants to pursue her career as a famous star who sings albums while also does performances. However, for her more "realistic" goal. She wants to become a business women in fashion. Klara ever since she was young always attended her ballet classes so during her free time, she loved to practice her ballet moves.

In school, she participates in drama club and chorus club on her afternoon programs. Klara misses her home back in Germany but also at the same time she's excited to discover other states from the United States. It's a continuous struggle for her to learn english more efficiently since her native language is german. But she's getting accustomed to it. She has moved to the United States when she was eleven years old because of this, she takes her education quite seriously at times for the sake of being to go back to Germany some day.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

  • Her coping mechanism has always been sarcasm. Whenever she feels down she always likes to respond in snarky responses. Of course she only does this to people she knows very well.
  • One of the most "realistic" careers Klara plans on doing is cosmetology. It's one of the careers that she's been interested in anyways.
  • Since Klara is actually born in Germany. She's bilingual to German and English. She's been taking Spanish courses recently because it's more common to hear people who speak Spanish as their first or second language.
  • Klara personally doesn't know much about love. Her friends have been dating other people before and sometimes she feels left behind. However, at the same time she's afraid of love because it may break her.
  • Klara loves reading in general, Espiacally fairytales from the Grimm Brothers. She prefers reading in German so that she doesn't lose her reading skills or writing skills in Germany. However from time to time, she also reads in english so that she can become more fluent in it. She doesn't read any Spanish books yet since she just kinda got the hang of speaking some sentences in Spanish

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