Skittles Coloure



1 year, 2 months ago
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Name Skittles
Age Adult
Species Shark / Canine
Gender Bigender
Pronouns He / They / She
Sexuality Homosexual
Height 5'11''
Build Curvy
Role Hairstylist
HTML Pinky



Skittles is a suave and sassy individual who loves a good gossip. He pretty much always seems to have a comeback ready for anything. In addition to his sass, he's also known for being sarcastic. Despite this, he's generally considered charismatic and charming, and his good looks are just a bonus to his personality.

Daily Life

Skittles lives on Theo's farm alongside them and Xerox. She travels in to work in the nearby town near daily, where she works full time as a hairstylist. She enjoys chatting with her clients and hearing the kinds of juicey gossip they and the other stylists bring in.

They like to help out in the garden when possible.


Skittles grew up in a small town and met Theodore in school. They often flirted with him, but the two didn't actually get into a relationship until after graduation. Once they were dating, Theo introduced Skittles to Xerox, and soon the three became a throuple. After they had been dating for a while, Skittles moved out of their apartment and in with Theo and Xerox on his farm.


Theodore - Partner

Theo is one of Skittles' partners, and the two live together alongside Xerox on Theo's farm. They like to help out in the garden when possible.

Skittles loves to flirt with and fluster the taller feline, drinking in his awkward yet endearing reactions.

Xerox - Partner

Xerox is Skittles' second partner, and the two live together alongside Theo on Theo's farm. The two frequently gang up to flirt with and fluster Theodore, typically these situations are instigated by Skittles.