
Base Price: 15$


+$5 for a chibi quadrant mate

+$10 for an dreamer and godtier outfit

+$5 for a mega chibi lusus

Influencer Teal Blood: Trickstermoon584

Some  reason imagined them as a youtuber or something who goes out of the way  to exploit the law and not get in trouble for it. loop-hole city. Also  apparently a casual murder.

Rainy Day Bronze Blood: Trickstermoon584

Got their cute cold rainy clothes on and like to take strolls. rumor has it there is a frog in one of their pockets.

Mechanic Indigo Blood: Jenny_The_Cuzzy

super friendly and is always tinkering with something. those muscles arent just for show this guy can lift tons.

Edgy Burgundy Blood: OPEN

They're  not like other low-blood and they dont take anything sitting, standing  or even laying down. This one wont let the hemospectrum bring them down !