


1 year, 2 months ago



Called Blood-Moon

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 27

Species Wolf

Role Assassin

Theme Killer Queen

HTML Pinky


In the city of Paris there is an infamous crime boss known to the underworld as Nightshade. A ruthless criminal known for his cunning and brutality, it is said that Nightshade can make a man beg for mercy before he even lays a finger on them. Blood-Moon, who grew up in Nightshade's inner circle, was expected to follow her adoptive father's footsteps. However, Blood-Moon didn't want to be just another pawn in his game of power and violence. She had seen the destruction and despair he had brought upon those who came across him and she knew she had to put a stop to his reign of terror and take his power into her own hands.

Once Blood-Moon had taken Nightshade's power and killed him, she had been the feared leader of the Paris underworld. With her cunning and ruthlessness, she had built a powerful and fearsome empire of crime that is impossible to stop. Blood-Moon rules the Paris criminal underworld with an iron fist, eliminating anyone who dared to cross her or challenge her power. She lives a life of wealth and luxury, surrounded by minions and henchmen who are loyal to her. She's feared and respected in equal measure, and she is an infamous figure in the history of crime.


Height 80cm

Build Fit

Eyes Blue

Fur color Grey, White, Red

Paw Pad Color Black

Birthday June 6th, 1996

Demeanor Aggressive


  • Light blue eyes.
  • Half white face.
  • Red tail.
  • White paws.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Blood-Moon is a cold and ruthless individual. She is a highly intelligent and calculating person, who is not afraid to use violence and intimidation to get what she wants. She is determined and ambitious, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She has little emotion and cares little for the feelings of others, she will do what she must to get what she wants. She is selfish and arrogant, and she is not opposed to manipulating others to get what she wants. She craves power, and she is driven to achieve her goals by any means necessary.



She loves the way they smell.

Her daughter

Her daughter is the only one she truly cares for apart from the love of her life, Kaira.

The sun

She enjoys laying in the sun.

Five finger filet

A fun game to test her skill.



She hates water and rain makes everything slippery.


Nightshade had always treated her badly.

Being lied to

She thinks its very disrespectful.

Her father

Her father left her when she was young.



Blood-Moon grew up without her biological father. Blood-Moon's father was a cold and selfish individual, he abandoned her as a child with little explanation other than he had no more use for her. He left Blood-Moon to fend for herself, and she was forced to fight to survive. This experience shaped her into the cold and ruthless individual she is today, as she never recovered from the abandonment. She grew up never knowing the love and care of a parent, since Nightshade wasn't one to her. She is driven by a deep anger and resentment towards both her biological- and adoptive father.

Blood-Moon's mother was a kind and compassionate woman who sadly passed away at Blood-Moon's birth. With no knowledge of her mother, she grew up without a mother's love. This left Blood-Moon with a deep sense of abandonment and emptiness, and she grew up without the care and attention of a maternal figure. This loss and grief was a driving force for Blood-Moon's ambitions and determination, as she strived to build a life for herself and to fill the void left by the absence of a mother's love.

Killing her adoptive father

Blood-Moon orchestrated a carefully planned murder of her adoptive father, using her sharp cunning and knowledge of the criminal underworld to carry out her kill. She devised a scheme where she lured her father to a place where his death could not be easily traced to her, and she managed to conceal her identity and her involvement in his death. She carefully planned out every detail of the murder and ensured that there was no way for her to be traced or identified. She used her knowledge, determination and ruthlessness to pull off the perfect murder, and she left no evidence that could implicate her in her adoptive father's death.

Her half brother

Blood-Moon was enraged when she found out that her father had another child and abandoned him as well. She saw this as a further example of his selfishness and cruelty. She felt that he had replaced her, and she was filled with a deep sense of resentment and hatred towards her father. This only fuelled her determination to find and kill him, to make him pay for what he had done to her and her brother. She was determined to take revenge and make him suffer for his cruelty and abandonment.

When she met her half brother, she was filled with a mixture of emotions. On one hand, she was glad to know she had a sibling, and she was curious to get to know him. On the other hand, she was still filled with a deep resentment and hatred towards her father, and this manifested in a sense of bitterness and jealousy towards her brother. She was conflicted and she wasn't sure how to approach him. Should she be friendly and try to have a relationship with him, or should she treat him with the same resentment and hatred she felt towards their father?




Biological father

Blood-Moon's biological father was a cold and selfish individual, who was entirely focused on his own power and ambition. He was a ruthless and cruel criminal who would go to any length to achieve his goals.



Half brother

Kairos, her half brother was raised by their father for the first 7 years of his life, unlike Blood-Moon. BLood-Moon didn't know about her half brothers existance until a few years later.




Blood-Moon was determined to raise her daughter differently than she was raised. She wanted to give her child the love and care that she never received, and she waned to provide her daughter with a loving and supportive environment. Her daughter is a happy and well-adjusted child, who has a strong and secure attachment to her mother. She is a loving and caring child, who is filled with light and positivity.