The Guild

The Thieves Guild, more commonly known as "The Guild", is a band of lions who have devoted their lives to the art of thievery, deception, and manipulation. Although their existence remains a secret to most of lion kind, they hold a strong presence in the lives of the powerful and political. These theives, under mutual agreement, support each other and their overall cause and remain organized under a set of short and simple rules:

1. Your guild is family, never betray or harm another member.

2. Do not target the poor.

3. Do not kill on the job.

When joining The Guild, a thief sheds their previous life and title, and leave all else behind. They take up a new, bird based name (given by the Talon), and know only that name. Their former identity is forever kept a secret. In the event that thieves are working together, they communicate positioning by mimicking bird calls. Certain symbols might be left behind with charcoal to dictate particular meaning, such as "danger", "safe haven", "fence", "store", "target", etc. Thieves are all given their "dues", their portion of payment for an assignment. The rest is given to The Guild itself, and thesd resources are used to feed, train, provide for, and protect the members.

Ranks of The Guild are as follows:

1. Talon: the leader of the Guild, who oversees the thieves and upholds order. The Talon approves membership, delivers punishment (exile does not exist- only death ahaha), and dictates which Songs get business.
2. Wings: experienced, full-fledged thieves. They may mentor Fledglings and be granted assignments.
3. Songs: associates of the Guild, those who seek the work of thieves. They are not "formal" members so much as...clients.
4. Fledgling: new recruits, training to be Wings. They may accompany their Wings on missions to learn. They can be any age- none are too old nor too young to learn.
5. Tails: fences, those who buy stolen goods collected by or paid to the Guild. Only trusted merchants are permitted to be Tails.