


6 years, 1 month ago



Name Boo
Magic Ability Undiscovered
Masterlist Entry Pumpkin Spice Latte
Gender Male
Species Sushi dogs
Relationship Single



  • Boo loves autumn time. No reason, I'm sure.
  • Coffee. The more sugary, the better!
  • Knitted, fluffy, any kind of big blanket. If its homemade? He will cherish it for the rest of his life.
  • He loves crunchy fallen leaves. His favourite thing to do is make a huge pile of leaves and jump in them!


  • Ghost stories. He can't stand them, much too scary! Gives real ghosts a bad rep.
  • The rain! Itll ruin his hair and his bandanas and blanket. :((
  • Mud. You can guess why. Poor baby.
  • Getting his fur cut! He's always had long fur and he's really scared everytime it gets cut hell lose it all. No matter who works on it!


Boo is a very quiet little dog with nothing but love in his heart. He loves nothing more than having a cup of coffee by the fire, wrapped up in a nice, big fluffy blanket given by a friend. Boo spends most of his time curled up in his own comfy corner, or just having a little chat with his friends. Or falling fast asleep while he lost track of the converstation. If he falls asleep while he's next to you, take it as a compliment! He only falls asleep when he's most comfortable.

Boo and the ghosts

Boo loves ghosts! He doesn't see them like others do, he sees them as just ordinary beings in a silly little wispy body. Boo hasnt met many, but he does have his cherished companion on his tail! Boo loves him with all his heart, they don't really talk too much but that's because Boo's naturally quiet. He doesn't have alot to say, nor does the lil ghostie. One of the things that really upsets Boo is ghost stories. Usually there seen as a big scary true story, when in reality it's all just a hyped up lie to make you wet yourself! He can't stand his friends or innocent beings being printed out as terrifying creatures looking for nothing but trouble, when clearly from what little Boo's seen its all wrong.

The autumn loving dog

Boo LOVES autumn time. It's the season of the famous pumpkin spice lattes, everyones feeling festive and there's nothing but lovely cinnamon tastes. The leaves fall of trees, the weather gets a little cooler, but not too cold! It's the only time Boo tends to go out by himself. Autumn time truely is Boo's time.



Jackal [ Best friend ]

Jackal and Boo get along like a house on fire. Both are very quiet little dogs so they just love spending time together doing nothing in silence. They both have the love of autumn, halloween and of course pumpkins! So they love making eachother special seasonal treats. Usually however, both are a little too anxious to muck something up so they just kinda promise eachother presents and that theyre currently making something.


Sunny [ friend ]

probably wont be sunny but well get around to that


Spud [ friend ]

also probably not spud either so well do that eventually

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