TBN's Comments

does anyone in my th interest you for them? i can also do 2 fullbody scenes but i can extend a bit too!

im very interested in your art!!! do you think you can draw one scene of two characters interacting instead?

id like a scene of https://toyhou.se/18611752.flynn#56620218 (right outfit) and https://toyhou.se/14526677.fletcher#44795434 flying in the sky while leisurely chatting maybe? but if drawing a bird's beak is difficult i can change the characters :] tyy

I can definitely do the 2 characters 1 scene but I've never been good at drawing birds, sorry!

okay, then can you draw https://toyhou.se/14499838.caramel and https://toyhou.se/14499851.pixie just having fun together? any background is fine :]

Alright! I'll get started as soon as I can!