Ajax Spearix



1 year, 4 months ago




Ajax is an energetic, easily excitable, yet cold-hearted individual who doesn't like most people. He can be incredibly rude when he wants to be and doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings, unless they're his friend. Despite his rude personality, he is incredibly honest, which is both a pro and con at times, because he doesn't sugarcoat his opinions.

He doesn't care what most people think about him, especially strangers, and he does whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to. He's very cold towards and distrusting of strangers. Despite his lack of care towards strangers, he's extremely loyal to his friends, and would do anything for them.

He's active and pretty much always wants to be doing something. He bugs his friends to hang out and play games and gets whiny and grumpy when they don't want to or are too busy. He's incredibly impatient and doesn't like to wait around on anything.

He's very prone to misunderstandings, and takes things to heart. Due to this, he's easy to upset when it comes to his friends and frequently holds grudges if he perceives something you've done as being against him.


distrustful, excitable


  • Reference Sheet
  • Has square pupils/irises
  • Extremely sharp canine teeth
  • (In huamnoid form) He has both human ears and cat ears
  • Two large leaves sprout from the back of his neck, while many smaller leaves sprout all over him
  • (In anthro/feral form) Has extra fur poofs on his wrists and down his spine
  • Has antlers and wings
  • Has top surgery scars


Dark Magic
Ajax can summon (usually four) tendrils made of dark magic out of his back. These tendrils are incredibly powerful and strong, and he can control them as if they were extra arms. They can extend to great lengths.

He's able to hide himself completely in the shadows and can even summon clouds of darkness to obscure the vision of others (but not his own vision).

He an also see clearly in the dark. When doing so, his eyes glow.
Plant Magic
Plants grow naturally on and around him, and he can expedite and control their growth when he wants to. When highly emotional, plants may grow wildly around him, out of his control.

Alternatively, his dark tendrils can be made out of vines instead, these vines can be with or without thorns.
Regeneration Magic
He has regeneration magic, which allows him to heal himself and not feel pain as badly as the average individual.




Ajax lives in a rather expensive home. He has fancy tastes and enjoys his place looking well taken care of and expensive, and he likes to show it off. He also thinks it makes good photos for social media.

Additionally, he likes having exsquisite meals as well.


He primarily works as a hitman/monster hunter, which grants him large amounts of money for each of his jobs completed.

Ajax also has a rather large social media following. He posts primarily edgy pretty boy pictures and also runs a NSFW side account that requires a subscription to view. He very much enjoys the fame, money and attention he gets from his following.







  • Ajax was originally created May 1st, 2014
  • He's willing to do a lot of things if he gets money or fame out of it
  • Definitely has a subscription based NSFW account
  • Has a variety of pet bugs, mostly spiders, centipedes and milipedes



Ember Tourrant

Best Friend

Ember and Ajax are best friends. Ajax spends the majority of his time with her and does just about everything with her. He gets into her business or personal space without entirely realizing it (though he definitely realizes it sometimes, and continues to do it anyways). He often bugs her to go visit Cube City, Reno Heights, or other places outside of Takitown with him, especially so that they can hang out with Sky, Koohl, and others, or just to go do something in general. He gets very whiney when she doesn't want to, even though she's a pretty busy person most of the time. He very much enjoys pestering her.

Ajax crashes at her place quite frequently, despite his house being just around the corner. She has a lot of spiders in her house for some reason and he calls them his friends.

Due to his past, Ajax has separation anxiety when he's away from Ember for too long, especially if he's not with other friends during this time. He's more dependant on her presence than what is healthy for him.

Ember may get annoyed with his antics, but the fondness the two have for each other is mutual and neither would feel quite whole without the other by their side.


Sky Villhe

Best Friend

When Sky and Ajax first met, Sky refered to him as "Ember's creepy friend" for a while until the two of them got to know each other a bit better. This was due to his impression of him at first, with Ajax's dark humour, magic, and general standoffness towards strangers. Now they are best friends and hang out on a near daily basis.

Ajax, Ember, Sky and Koohl frequently hang out together, either at Sky's house, going around Reno Heights or Cube City, or playing virtual reality games.

Ajax frequently tries to get piggyback or shoulder rides from Sky so that he can feel taller. Sky doesn't mind doing this at all. The two also often end up wrestling or doing other similar things together.

Sky likes to tease Ajax or give him knowing looks whenever Chris is brought up.

Due to Sky's down to earth and chill behaviour, Ajax feels more comfortable being more open and honest with him than he does with most people. He also tends to be a bit calmer when it's just the two of them, so long as he's not being worked up by something else.


Koohl Edee

Best Friend

Ajax was introduced to Koohl through Sky, seeing as the two of them are dating. Ember, Sky, Koohl and Ajax frequently hang out together, either at Sky's house, going around Reno Heights or Cube City, or playing virtual reality games.

Ajax and Koohl feed off of each other's excitable energies, causing the two to often go a bit over the top or not know when to stop. This can oftentimes become an annoyance to Ember when she's around both of them at once.