

6 years, 18 days ago


Often called "Watcher" or A.Z, Azrea is responsible, reserved, dignified in nature. Very curious, ALWAYS want to know/figure out more. Well mannered and very sophisticated speech. Is arrogant and condescending at time. Others find her unemotional but she is always deep in thoughts. She requires alot of time alone to cope with her stresses, but will enjoy and welcome a one-on-one. She is currently working in a space station/ Spaceport close to Palleth. Her work consist of observing and monitoring the space around palleth along with a few other grems. She is tasked with watching out for anomalies, meteors, keeping track of any and all space crafts, impending doom ect. The space port is there to welcome travelers, marchants, refuels. Has living quarters (Temperary or permanant) etc. The station is a mix between scientists/explorers, students and police mainly. Azrea is a scientist and explorer that has lived there for nearing 6 years. She has her own living quarter and seems to manage everything well. She does have a regular work schedual and is switched out with another grem (or human) when her time is up but she would rather still look out into space from the central hall (where there is a huge bay window)when she can to take notes