


1 year, 8 days ago


Llyr Melchiorre


agender (he/him)

likes women

dragon-harrower (former)


  • Most of his clothing is sewn by his own hands.
  • He's very proud of his scars, and will gladly tell the stories of how he got them to any who'll listen.
  • Not the best with animals.
  • Loves women, but is kind of bad at carrying on relationships with them.

Design Notes

  • 6'1ft / 185cm. Physically in his early 30s.
  • Right arm is badly burnt by wrymfire; the fingers of this hand seems to have claws.
  • Hair is mostly white, but has streaks of gold. Can be draw straight or curly / naturally textured.
  • Scars on face and unkempt eyebrows.
  • Transmasc agender. Prefers to be barren faced, but the rest of his body can be drawn hairy.


TWs: suicide ideation, death.

  • Born within a small, remote mining village on a frigid island.
  • When he was a child, a dragon of massive proportions, typically thought of as nothing more than a legend, flew over the island. It vanished as quickly as it appeared, but from that moment onwards Llyr dedicated himself completely to the study of dragons.
  • After devouring every book and resource on dragons Llyr could find on his home island, he travele to the mainland at the tender age of 15, and continued to do the same there. Both repulsed and awed by these creatures, Llyr came to a conclusion that it was impossible for dragons and mortals to co-exist.
  • Llyr also realized that the only way to continue his research on dragons was to see the real thing. At the tender age of 19, Llyr joined his first dragon-harrowing expedition; to drive out dragons who had settled too close to human homes, and leaving their hoards ripe for pillaging. The dragon injured Llyr, giving him a wound that nearly caused him to lose his sight in one eye... but he was undeterred, especially when it had given him new insights into the behaviors of dragons.
  • Llyr's knowledge of the creatures was quickly recognized, and by the age of 21 he was already leading expeditions of his own. As his talents as a Harrower grew, so did his fame. His work was dangerous; many Harrowers perished in their battles against dragons. Llyr, however, would not be deterred.
  • And yet, Llyr felt unfufilled... he'd never forgotten that first dragon which sparked his interested in the first place, the beast of legend that few thought even existed. Llyr realized that the only way he could possibly feel satisfied... is to find this grand, ancient dragon, and drive it from the world as he'd done with the others. Surely this was his destiny; there was no other in this or any other world who would be capable of such a feat.
  • Llyr went alone; he knew that if he failed to harrow this dragon, it would mean certain death. He found he did not mind this idea, however. If he died, it would be a hero's death. He traveled far and wide, until eventually his search led him back to the small island he once called his home. After so long away he was unrecognizable to the people who lived there. Llyr had not realized how much both himself and the island had changed; his father had died years ago, and in his hunt for dragons, the event had escaped his notice. But this mattered not to Llyr, who had found his quarry. The dragon who he sought made its home on the island's tallest peak, and in the mist of snow and ice, had gone unnoticed by the world. He would harrow it, and save his home from it's clutches in the process.
  • On the island's peak, Llyr would face the very beast that had haunted him since childhood. He pulled out every trick he had gained from his many years spent as a Harrower, refusing to give the dragon even a second of mercy... but it would not be enough. Eventually, Llyr would grow tired of this fight, despite having managed to wear the dragon down as well. If this was to be his death, so be it.
  • ...The dragon, however, had no intention of giving Llyr the heroic death he so badly desired. The dragon, instead of killing Llyr, took his heart and thus granted him immortality. Without a human heart beating in his chest, all dragons would know that he'd been bested by this dragon of legend, and no longer fear him. He would no longer be able to work as a harrower.
  • Llyr had never imagined a future for himself where he did not harrow dragons. Nor did he imagine a future past dying at the hands of such an ancient creature. Now, with his chest empty and blood cold, Llyr wanders the lands, desperately searching for a purpose...