✿.•° Squash °•.✿



1 year, 14 days ago


I think I must be a ghost.

Name Squash
Age 23
Gender Demiboy
Race Dog
Sexuality Queer
Theme Ghost Boys

Jumpy 🍂 Affectionate 🍂 Anxious

Ghost kinnie, tends to cover himself in a white sheet when he's alone because it makes him feel safe. Has bad insomnia and sometimes takes walks at night in his sheet in order to calm down in a way that (he hopes) doesn't disrupt people living nearby.

Scars are from multiple surgeries required due to incidents where he was severely hurt, as well as his top surgery.

Delusional; occasionally thinks he's being followed or watched even when he's alone, and sometimes especially when he's alone. This gets worse when he's having an episode, and usually needs help getting out of it. More commonly thinks that he has or is developing scurvy, and will binge eat fruits and juice to prevent it.

Hallucinates; has more auditory hallucinations than visual ones, and thus tends to get more scared by the visual ones when they happen. Also gets a lot of tactile ones, usually him being tapped / grabbed on the shoulders or arms, and can sometimes get so scared by them he cries. Very careful about taking his medication when they get bad, or when he starts getting too stressed and knows they'll begin to get worse.

Has C-PTSD due to multiple serious injuries as a child, resulting in his scars, as well as DID. System has only three alters and has remained that way though, due to their extensive therapy, and are happy with their current state of functional multiplicity. Alters in system are; Squash (ghost and main fronter, in charge of daily life), Gourd (pumpkin headed undead who mainly fronts to help with injury or major stressors), and Pumpkin (a zombie child, fronts randomly to help with self care like taking breaks, eating, and sleep).

Tends to look either like the body but see through and without stitch scars, or like a simple sheet ghost, in system.

I must be dead, I just know it. It's just my body that hasn't figured it out yet.

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