[5$] Genshin Book Code



10 months, 5 days ago



Physic of Purity

Talent_All_Schemes_to_Know.png Talent_Illusory_Heart.png

Voice Artist

EN: Kimberley Anne Campbell       JP: TAMURA Yukari

Smoll presentation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim enim, vestibulum id lectus in, venenatis luctus dui.

pyro-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide.p hydro-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide. anemo-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide. electro-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guid dendro-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide cryo-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide.p geo-element-genshin-impact-wiki-guide.pn





Oct 27





Sapientia Oromasdis

bab4e0de52fad58bd680db8373f1585953283a6f Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nulla ante, porta et mi ac, pulvinar egestas nulla. Nam sit amet mollis tellus. Pellentesque augue turpis, malesuada id placerat id, dictum in mi. Vestibulum ac ligula eget nisi tempor varius ut sit amet libero. Nam non posuere ipsum. Sed vestibulum bibendum ex a feugiat. Praesent tristique, magna id blandit viverra, ipsum leo venenatis mauris.



Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 attacks that deal Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Calling upon the might of Dendro, Nahida plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Dendro DMG upon impact with the ground.

All Schemes to Know
Elemental Skill

Sends forth karmic bonds of wood and tree from her side, dealing AoE Dendro DMG and marking up to 8 opponents hit with the Seed of Skandha.
When held, this skill will trigger differently.

Enters Aiming Mode, which will allow you to select a limited number of opponents within a limited area. During this time, Nahida's resistance to interruption will be increased. When released, this skill deals Dendro DMG to these opponents and marks them with the Seed of Skandha.
Aiming Mode will last up to 5s and can select a maximum of 8 opponents.

Seed of Skandha
Opponents who have been marked by the Seed of Skandha will be linked to one another up till a certain distance.
After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take DMG from Dendro Cores (including Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), Nahida will unleash Tri-Karma Purification on the opponents and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on her ATK and Elemental Mastery.
You can trigger at most 1 Tri-Karma Purification within a short period of time.

Illusory Heart
Elemental Burst

Manifests the Court of Dreams and expands the Shrine of Maya.

When the Shrine of Maya field is unleashed, the following effects will be separately unleashed based on the Elemental Types present within the party.

- Pyro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is increased.
- Electro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is decreased.
- Hydro: The Shrine of Maya's duration is increased.

If there are at least 2 party members of the aforementioned Elemental Types present when the field is deployed, the aforementioned effects will be increased further.

Even if Nahida is not on the field, these bonuses will still take effect so long as party members are within the Shrine of Maya.

Compassion Illuminated
1st Ascension Passive

When unleashing Illusory Heart, the Shrine of Maya will gain the following effects:
The Elemental Mastery of the active character within the field will be increased by 25% of the Elemental Mastery of the party member with the highest Elemental Mastery.
You can gain a maximum of 250 Elemental Mastery in this manner.

Awakening Elucidated
4th Ascension Passive

Each point of Nahida's Elemental Mastery beyond 200 will grant 0.1% Bonus DMG and 0.03% CRIT Rate to Tri-Karma Purification from All Schemes to Know.
A maximum of 80% Bonus DMG and 24% CRIT Rate can be granted to Tri-Karma Purification in this manner.

On All Things Meditated
Utility Passive

Nahida can use All Schemes to Know to interact with some harvestable items within a fixed AoE. This skill may even have some other effects...


The Moongrass Enlightment



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nulla ante, porta et mi ac, pulvinar egestas nulla. Nam sit amet mollis tellus. Pellentesque augue turpis, malesuada id placerat id, dictum in mi. Vestibulum ac ligula eget nisi tempor varius ut sit amet libero. Nam non posuere ipsum. Integer ultricies vestibulum sapien eu accumsan. Donec pellentesque libero et ultricies maximus. Donec nec sapien felis. Nullam nec eleifend nisl, eu commodo nibh. Nunc ullamcorper egestas lorem, non posuere tellus condimentum non. Donec mollis sem eget arcu gravida, non rhoncus lacus condimentum. Praesent posuere sollicitudin facilisis. Aenean sit amet vehicula lacus, eu vulputate massa. Fusce vel quam eget nunc volutpat luctus. Nunc nisi ipsum, viverra at varius sit amet, fringilla sodales neque.


Maecenas ac turpis blandit, semper elit ut, accumsan lacus. Sed maximus tempor diam, eu eleifend velit faucibus ultricies. Aliquam placerat finibus nulla, et tristique felis porttitor eget. Vestibulum eget augue dui. Vivamus porttitor scelerisque leo ut iaculis. Praesent leo lacus, lobortis a eros a, volutpat consequat urna. Vivamus vitae quam sit amet odio feugiat pellentesque non at turpis. Sed vel rutrum lorem. Suspendisse non diam sollicitudin, euismod erat sed, accumsan ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse sit amet suscipit velit. Nulla lobortis augue non leo iaculis aliquam. Nam posuere eros in dapibus rutrum. Quisque ullamcorper convallis nunc, vel consectetur metus ultricies nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec nec hendrerit diam, ut porttitor lectus. Mauris id elit interdum, maximus lorem vitae, consequat massa. Aenean massa ligula, faucibus a velit sed, consectetur euismod odio. Nullam tempus felis ac vehicula commodo. Sed vestibulum bibendum ex a feugiat. Praesent tristique, magna id blandit viverra, ipsum leo venenatis mauris, quis feugiat ex quam id neque. Suspendisse scelerisque tortor purus, ut porttitor neque auctor eu. Vestibulum vitae nulla purus. Morbi dictum pellentesque condimentum.


Curabitur ut dolor at sem ullamcorper pellentesque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Fusce lacinia ipsum et suscipit consequat.
Ut eu risus molestie quam pulvinar ornare.
Pellentesque tincidunt justo vel dolor aliquet, non iaculis lacus lobortis.

Cras tristique lorem nec nibh hendrerit sagittis.
Maecenas quis urna eget mauris volutpat fringilla sodales et nulla.
Quisque eu velit egestas, malesuada orci eu, porttitor eros.
Pellentesque eget lorem vitae nisi tristique varius.

Etiam placerat risus nec ipsum aliquam, ac dictum tellus pharetra.
Pellentesque cursus augue ut velit eleifend aliquam.



[relationship status]

Small presentation of their relationship.
It can be long if u want but try to keep it short!


[relationship status]

Fusce aliquet non nulla ac bibendum. Ut dignissim, dolor a placerat sodales, lectus purus lobortis enim, ut semper diam.


[relationship status]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in mi lacinia, aliquet quam vel, luctus sapien.

[relationship status]

Nulla ullamcorper lacinia ligula vitae scelerisque. Etiam elementum mattis orci ultrices rutrum. Donec sodales lacus eu elit vehicula, ut molestie justo sollicitudin. Nulla facilisi. Sed eu turpis lorem.

[Side Note]
  • This code is based on the 3.2 livestream layout, it's been a while since i wanted to do it but keep pushing the idea away until now
  • Finally sharing it after thinking about it for a WHILE!
  • The code may not be perfect, so if you have any issue feel free to DM me (on TH or on any of my social account)
