Rhysie (Weredragon)



10 months, 30 days ago



Normal Form: Rhysie (MAIN OC)

Were Dragon Bio: 

Rhysie got this form after protecting Gwiffie from another Were dragon that resulted in Rhysie getting bitten but also protecting Gwiffie and keeping them safe. When he first became the beast he lost his mind and the beast completely took over his whole body and he became violent which resulted in him biting his partner Gwiffie making them a weredragon as well, this rampage occurred overnight. Once it was over Rhysie found himself lost in a forest right next to Gwiffie who was also passed out, Rhysie woke them up and they both headed home confused. Then once Rhysie found out he became a Dragon and infected Gwiffie, Rhysie found a counter spell that removed Gwiffie's Weredragon Curse and also made them immune to any attacks done by any Werecreatures but it had one side effect, Rhysie's Weredragonism becoming permanent and can never be cured.

Rhysie only becomes a Weredragon under the full moon, This resulted in him losing his mind completely every single time which eventually Rhysie decided to chain himself to a pillar in the Kitties Basement. He only became a mindless Dragon a dozen times and he was always locked in the basement. One time the kitties were distracted and Rhysie didn't have any time to reach the basement, So Gwiffie tried something. Gwiffie grabbed Rhysies Collar and tied it to his leg and kept reminding him of who he is and what he is. After becoming a dragon, Rhysie was completely in control of his body. He wasn't a mindless beast anymore he was completely in control of himself.

Rhysie wishes he didn’t have this form but he is beginning to embrace it and enjoy it only one downside when he is a Dragon he cant speak he can only make “Dragon Sounds”? Making talking to Gwiffie impossible but also hilarious. He also needs to remember exactly who he is while he is becoming a dragon.

Gwiffie and Weredragon Rhysie have fun together even though after everything they still suffer from Trauma of the first Full Moon when Dragon Rhysie attacked Gwiffie. Its Traumatic for Rhysie due to the promise of never bringing pain to his Gwiffie and knowing he broke the one thing he promised he wasn’t ever gonna do.

In the present day, Rhysie embraces his Dragon form and loves becoming it. He still holds some guilt about everything but he finds it’s better of not to let it stay in his mind after all he is a new person now and has changed from the monster he became on that faithful night. Oh and he also has a Mate, Her name is Pikka and well she is in love with him. Just she has no idea about his cat form and his Boyfriend, Gwiffy. Pikka holds a strong friendship with Rhysie, Lets just say in the safest way possible they do some "Love" things.