
*haven't taken a payment on stripe or cashapp so not familiar with them so please be patient with me o/

For the Spidersonas:

SB $15
MI $1
AB $70

1. void crawler CLOSED (preclaimed for $70 on TH)
2. love bite biker CLOSED AB - from IG
3. splitfin flashlight fish CLOSED (preclaimed for $70 on TH)

For Genshin/Starrail:

SB $20
MI $1
AB $90

4. fontaine steampunk rose Closed
5. silly fontaine jester guy Closed
6. khaenri'ah man Closed

Bid in a chain;
Ends 48 hours after last bid - this is APPROXIMATED
*it is hard for me to get exact time stamps unless you bid on Toyhouse, so if you want to be precise please bid there
 This will be cross posted to other platforms, but I will try to provide updates from other sites.

Unless you requested/discussed a hold please pay within 48 hours or the adopt will be put back up for sale.
Do not delete your bid/claim without providing a reason or I may blacklist you.
I will send you seprate unwatermarked version via note after payment, please do not redistribute it.
Do not trade or resell for more than what you paid unless you have additional art etc.
Credit me neongutz (ex. toyhouse)

Thank you!

Several Aminos that I am too lazy to link but will on request