Sev | Abyssal Serpent Pearl



10 months, 22 days ago


Abyssal Serpent Pearl

Personal Alias Sev

Pronouns He/they

Gem Type Pearl | 23AR | 07135.S.S.X

Age 130,000~

Orientation Demiromantic

MBTI | Enneagram ISTJ | 1w9

Theme Hole-Dwelling

HTML Pinky


Friendly Reserved
Polite Rude
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Cowardly
Careful Impulsive
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Passive
Calm Irritable
Expressive Monotonic

Sev is primarily characterized by his aloof demeanor and distant nature. He never seems to speak more than necessary, and his callous impression is marked by a nearly constant state of indifference and disinterest. Sev, by nature, is a calculative individual who's guided by sheer cold logic, with a sharp mind and keen eyes - nothing truly escapes this gem. As a multipurpose trophy, completing his duty seems to be the top priority, everything or anyone else is merely a second priority. He'll make sure all work under his guise is completed efficiently and *perfectly.* While Sev is a medical and combative pearl, they are *incredibly* versatile and adaptive. An extremely fast learner, and an even quicker doer. They're an ideal servant for those who simply want a useful puppet; he will do anything you ask, even if they're dirty work. But of course, do not expect boundless loyalty from him either.

It seems you have nothing left to say. I'll be taking my leave, then. Salutations.


Height 6'10"

Build Athletic, slender, broad-shoulder

Eyes Blood crimson

Skin Tone Blue Note

Hair Color Lush silver

Hair Style Short, silky

Gem Placement Upper Back


  • Adorned in golden jewels, Sev's appearance is rather sleek, and yet, elegant. Refined and incredibly put-together. He embodies the expectation of a perfect-cut flawlessly.
  • Wrapped around his right arm is an obsidian snake bracelet, long and slender form coiling itself around his flesh. Many find it a bit life-like from time to time.
  • His earrings are oddly chunk, its size is larger than the standard pearl accessories. They're also disturbingly heavy too, hence they never sway when he walks.
  • Sev was crafted in the image of a King Cobra snake, and thus received a few traits to mirror such. Aside from his eyes and overall physique, he was also given fangs and a reptile-like tongue. This is not a well-known fact, however, as Sev rarely show his fangs.


Duties and work (I know)

A hardworker, and a perfectionist at that, many find Sev to always perform his duties flawless and effeciently. Effortlessly, even, and to some--he may come off condescending in this sense. Regardless, he mildly takes pride in that, and would often find a bit of . . . solace even. Being on the move keeps him off his mind.

Organic Exquisites

Surprisingly, the austere servant shows quite the fondness towards animals and plants. Well, it's hard to read him regardless, but it is undeniable Sev exempts great knowledge and experience in the study of organic living things. He seems to know how to take care of them well, often handling with much care and gentle patience. Nearly a plants expert himself, from time to time.

Golden things

He seems to have an eye for anything valuable or pretty. He's not a collector, no, well - not when it comes to riches and materialistic posessions of wealth. Perhaps it is that it reminds him of something...a certain someone, and he just can't help but notice. It's like a thorn in his chest, one that's impossible to ignore each time.


Chaos and disruptions

While he is often characterized to be ... infuriatingly indifferent in nature, loud noises and disruptions might be able to get under his skin quite well. He prefer things in a certain ways - ones which he's familiar with.


Reclusive in demeanor, it's no surprise for Sev to be a foreign presence amongst conversations or social gatherings. He is secretive by nature, after all, thus, the servant wouldn't quite appreciate it if you pry. Any attempts and you just might be turned down politely... or--- brutally, if you keep pushing your luck.


A category of disdain for those who pose as an annoyance, or a hindrance, neither are welcomed. While there may be leniency, get in his way too much, and the Serpent will not respond well. That, or a nuisance, essentially just don't be stupid. He has no nasty temper - a being of immense patience, actually, but even then - he won't hesitate to be blunt if needed.


Further Insight

Allusive Callousness

As stated, Sev is an incredibly cold pearl. He speaks with little emotions in his tone, and his gaze often fall aloof and sharp. Disinterested. Capable of being incredibly blunt in his words, some might also find him insensitive - or maybe even condescending, making others feel small with his dismissive behavior.

Eerie Secrecacy

Never been one for social converse, you could hardly find him engaging in a conversation with others. Of course, he'll compliantly indulge if a conversation is asked for, although more often than not - you might find yourself sharing much more than he is. He rarely share much, it'll always be about you than anything.

Keen eyes

His eyes are often described as rather...intimidating, actually - it's what keeps most people away. Slit reptile-like pupil, a piercing gaze dyed in that of a blood crimson. Sharp, and constantly watchful, akin to that of a predator inspecting its preys. Meticulously observing each and every of your moves. He can't help it - the pearl is observant by nature. You might be surprised by what he can pick up at times.

a medic by heart

As unapproachable and intimidating as this pearl may be, he is surprisingly gentle when it is needed - mostly it is to his patience, or when tending to the injured. Attentive and incredibly careful in mannerism, he'll be sure to treat your wounds with much care and gentleness. He'll provide whatever that is needed without a complaint. They are always more than what they come off as, seemingly as if always hiding an interior beneath that cold front. It's odd.

Dismissive Apathy

Sev's own peers often find him a hard case to decipher, that is mainly his emotions. There's little to discern, if there was any at all to begin with. Closed-off and well-guarded body language along with a perpetual poker face, his sharp eyes do a fine work to further drive the rest away from prying. Many find him almost ... apathetic, indifferent to the suffering of the rest unless it involves him; egocentric - as they label it. Perhaps that's just how he seems, everyone has a mask of their own, after all.





Hoya Australis Pearl

It's ... complicated. So so complicated

It's still complicated, but the two are now on a MUCH better term. Not only have their misunderstandings been cleared up, but they've also rekindled their old bond! For an event so joyful, you'd expect Sev to be thrilled. Don't get him wrong, Sev misses Hoya /dearly./ Deep down, that is. Even if he doesn't allow himself to show it. It's just been so long ... you know? So much has changed.


Her Fidelity, Seraphina


His late elite, the very gem Sev was made to serve for all eternity. Her demise was certainly a tragedy, although Sev seems to exempt an attitude of ... odd neutrality towards the situation. Almost as if indifferent. He speak of her as if a simple former superior, and yet his gaze always hide something that indicates much more. This is probably more evident considering he still carries her shards til this day.


Biofluorescent Midnight Pearl


A pearl they once mentored during their time working under her Fidelity Seraphina, these two had a fairly mentor-student relationship, a lovely one at that. Yet, Sev has no intention to rekindle the bond even if the other maiden seems to wish the contrary. Admittedly though, he's glad they met again, sort of.