Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


Before exiting this popup, please be aware that some of the content may contain elements of carnage and dwell into dark themes.

Although they are not subtle, these aspects are integral to the art and stories I create and explore. If these content isn't your cup of tea that takes place as:

•┃ Gore/death: The character's description contains graphic depictions of violence, gore, and death. Themes include soul-sucking, mass genocide, impaling, and other distressing elements.

•┃ Heavy/sensitive topics: The bulk of my characters' details includes crucial subjects like abandonment, genocide, arson, and other unmentioned themes.

•┃ Mental illnesses: Each of my characters carries both minor and major disorders from their past experiences within their narratives. This precaution is taken to prevent any potential discomfort or triggering for readers.

•┃ Others: I might not have provided most of the warnings in the list, so please be cautious. However, I will make sure to include those warnings soon.

I totally understand, and I encourage you to enjoy the other aspects of my work.

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