


5 years, 11 months ago


[DA group], Softie info

Marigold, Female Softie, 29, a stern yet shy gal

In Catwalk:

Marigold is a feline splice, made by Olympus Labs as part of a 'designer pets' line. She was adopted by a rich family who wasn't at all expecting an actual person (they were literally expecting a purebred cat), and was rehomed with a civilian woman named Jesse. Marigold now enjoys as much freedom and self-sufficiency as she wants, and has become fond of Jesse as a roommate.

She's the leader of a gang of other cat splices, called the Bell Gang. She comes off as a cool and haughty leader who speaks very rarely, but secretly she's just a bit self-conscious of ver voice. It's light and delicate, and she dislikes when people judge her based on her voice. Gang activities consist of maintaining control of their territory, planning out routes for a group parkour session, and scoping out the best restaurants in the city (particularly for special events, new menu items, specials, and discounts).

Source power: Citrus gives her energy similar to an energy drink.
Secondary effect: Always smells faintly of citrus
Conversion point: Torso