$15 Sketchpages(CLOSED)



10 months, 5 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Temp closed so I can have a break! Pings open <3

$15 Sketchpages! Payment through PayPal or Kofi, USD!

If interested, fill out the form and comment or PM me with it!

If your character is complex (has a lot of patterns/accessories/etc) it will be $17 instead of $15! Basically a $2 complexity fee.. they take me more time

Character link/Ref:

Paying with PayPal or Kofi?:

Pose/Expression: (can be left blank)

Background color: (can also be left blank)


Payment is UPFRONT, please pay within 24 hours

I also ask that you notify me when payment is sent please :-]!


(Side note: I don’t do the best with very masculine men, or characters with super short hair/characters that don’t have any kind of bangs, just cause the head shape this style has lol, ‘bald furries‘ are excluded from this as I find them quite easy)


Current Queue

(Turnaround is a few days to three weeks depending on my queue! Will be notified if there are any delays!)