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Current Worth:



She/Her - 9,887 Earth Years Old - Polysexual/romantic [Part of the Cloister 6 Polycule, which includes Goldie, Akoya Peach Pearl, and Dr. Honerva]

A sassy, confident, and bright personality that hides a more sensitive side. Kind of reminds me of the botw/totk Great Fairies, if they were more active lol

This is Mint Baroque Pearl (or Mint, Minty, or Miss Mint)!

She's a beautiful, truly brilliant pearl that never really had an owner because she was also rather unruly and brash and loud for a Pearl - and, of course, defective - but her Abalone never shattered/harvested her because she was enamored by her tenacity to persist and constantly better herself nonetheless. Mint really did try to be the best Pearl she could be under Homeworld's standards, but she just couldn't ever really reach them...

Then, when Era 3 rolled around and all servant class gems were finally freed, she overheard news and stories about Little Homeworld and decided that she wanted to go to Earth! She fell in love with the idea of letting go of the stiff, subservient demeanor she's had to carry for so long. The thought that she could sing and dance whatever she wanted, at whatever time she wanted? Or to be able to say no to singing and dancing if she wanted to? The other Pearls might be too scared to leave just yet, but Mint was willing to be the first to act.

Only to be denied at the warp gate, and then detained when she resisted and tried to flee in earnest. 

The former commander of her colony just wouldn't let go of her power over the gems of Mint's colony, and unfortunately had too much support to be foisted. Mint was slotted to be rejuvenated for her "treachery", her hopes for freedom dashed, but not snuffed. Luckily, when news of this travesty reached the old rebellion members now residing in Little Homeworld, an impromptu strike team was put together to liberate the colony once and for all. Mint, amongst many others, immediately fled to Earth on the first ship to Little Homeworld. 

And now, finally, finally on Earth, she could finally be free to be herself! She could choose who and what she wanted to be! At anytime, anywhere!

She was even free to explore the world beyond Little Homeworld, to learn to empower/defend herself and others. She really, really looks up to Canon!Pearl and Canon!Rose Quartz, seeing them as role models to base herself on. She especially idolizes Pearl's legendary "Renegade Pearl" persona, kinda like how a little kid would fixate on super heroes lmao 

Earth fashion is also very fun and challenging to her, opening new doors to whole new ways to express herself and fulfill a creative itch she never knew she had! She has a favorite outfit that she's almost always seen in, one that makes her feel pretty and powerful and important, even on the battlefield - but she's always experimenting whenever inspiration comes by! Recently, with her successes in designing a few outfits for her friends, she's been considering opening a full-fledged boutique, one exactly as "loud" and obnoxious as she is!