[2.] Hayes



10 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info












August 8


Age: 32

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Humanoid/Narwhal

family: No known family

Friends: Close friends with some crew members.

Relationship: Boyfriend of Mercury

As a Navy Captain, one can imagine the responsibilities and stresses of the job get to him, and they do. Hayes is known to be really strict, demanding and sometimes stubborn. Hayes can be rude at times, often yelling when he doesn't really need to. His strict voice and duties towards the other members are only out of determination to become the best Navy Captain one could be. He takes no jokes, and he absolutely takes no slacking off as an excuse. He makes several rules and changes them over time, which can be overwhelming for the crew members to remember and adhere to properly. Hayes does not like back talking and he has been physical before in altercations though rare, it happens enough times to have the crew be weary of him. Even more rarely, Hayes does show a softer side of himself if he is off duty. He can be playful in card games and other small games; he loves drinking and relaxing with some of the crew members as well as painting miniature wooden ships as a quiet off duty hobby.

Growing up in a very demanding household, Hayes wanted to escape as quickly as he could. As soon as he turned 18, he was out on his own applying to various jobs and nobody would accept him. They feared he was a danger, due to his anger issues and the long tusk he has. Eventually, he was accepted into Navy training as a last resort. Hating it at first, he started to enjoy the power he had becoming part of the Navy and only wanted to progress from there, which he was able to do now as the Navy Captain. He can boss people around and use the strict environment to take advantage of his authority. Not the worst captain in the world, they crew would definitely like it if he didn't seem so heartless at times. One thing he especially enjoys about the Navy is the battles that happen. He loves preparing the lower deck and ertainly loves getting the chance to take down any dangerous ships if he needs to. He always feels acomplished afterwards as he has not yet had any failures. Ending every sucess with a night of drinking and party games with the crew. Though, even with his sucessful battles, he does tend to find himself or other members injured after. A large torpedo blast under the Navy vessel caused Hayes to fall, his tusk breaking in half in the process. He used his skills to weld it back together and now claims his tusk is stronger than it was before. One night when sailing the ship out into sea, he found a pathetic man that he pulled up onto the ship. His name was Mercury, and the crew was weary and confused as to why Hayes would allow a potential threat and stranger onto the ship, but he just knew he had to help him. He became close with Mercury over time, despite the annoyance and trouble he causes aboard. The rest of the crew is always bothered by him, as is Hayes. But he cannot bring himself to shun him off of the ship and even if he hates the nuisance Mercury is, deep down he thinks he would be nothing without him.


  • Hayes' long tusk is rather dangerous to be around. It has caused holes in walls and scratches and other various injuries to crew members if neither of them is paying much attention. It has also almost been the cause of Mercury's death multiple times.

  • If not wearing his casual Navy uniform, he is wearing a white tank top with black sweatpants.

  • Just like how Mercury always trips over his own tentacles, Hayes has tripped over them many times as well. But his own large tail has also been known to knock people and things over.

  • Loves Mercury. A lot. Just hates to admit it.

  • He is a huge perfectionist, which explains why him, and his rules can be so strict.

  • Has several VERY sharp needle-like teeth. Him and Mercury tend to bite each other out of anger if they ever get too heated during arguments.

  • Really enjoys sea shanties.

  • Enjoys all fights, genuine and playful.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD