


9 months, 24 days ago


Clowning Around


Jester is a massive go-getter, he was created to be the head of a group but that's not the position that they prefer. A supporting act is more Jester's style. He loves to meet new people and make friends, though while his social circle is pretty high the number of people he'd call friend is in the single digits.


Jester does find it slightly strange to tell people that he was created as a living toy alongside his first friend Wiggler. It embaresses him a bit as he was made to think and act a certain way and he's not sure what's worse, what parts of this personality he didn't have or the parts he does. It's very sensitive about being considered 'real' or not.
This is something that Jester is working on, especially with help from his friends but it's something hard for him to finally get passed.

He is the happiest he's been in a long time right now, with his friends Boggle, Wiggler [back in his life] and Clown. He's trying to work up the nerve on how to confess his more romantic feelings to his friend. He doesn't want to ruin what they already have.

  • Jester can make squeaky toy noises, it's his default
  • His pawpads are velvety due to the material they're made of.
  • It can often be seen wearing one of Clowns bows, either around his neck or wrist.
  • It's favourite franchise is Jurassic Park, it loves all dinosaurs Paleo accurate or not
  • Jester didn't originally have the star around one eye, it was a replacement patch to fix damage he got before he left it's creators
Design Notes
  • The pattern on his stomach, inner ears and paw pads does not need to be 100% accurate in placement but should remain close.
  • Can also be drawn more obviously like a toy with seam markings.
  • It's main body markings are slightly off symetrical
  • He has little fanged canines, longer so then a normal dogs -as it made him look cuter to the audience.
  • Ears, tail and head are very fluffy, the rest of it's body is a more slicked down fur.






Canine Toy