T'rhika Tia



8 months, 13 days ago


Far greater than memory, its loss and love words cannot hold. Boundless, the tale overflows and carries your light out to sea.
T'rhika Tia



August 10th

Cat Hybrid

159 cm





T'rhika grew up in a quaint coastal village. While most of the residents were fishermen, they were a diverse community due to the village's location as a frequent stopover for travelers. As such, T'rhika was exposed to a myriad of cultures, stories, and traditions from a young age.

His parents were simple folks. His father, a seasoned fisherman, taught him the ways of the sea, while his mother, a storyteller, filled his nights with tales of faraway lands and epic romances. They were a close-knit family, but even from a young age, T'rhika felt the call of adventure. The tales of his mother and the stories from passing travelers ignited a wanderlust in him.

In his late teens, T'rhika decided to embark on a journey, to see some of the places from his mother's tales and to carve out a story of his own. His travels eventually brought him to India, a land of vibrant colors, aromatic spices, and diverse cultures.

It was in a bustling coastal town that he first saw Adrian. Adrian was performing a traditional Indian dance at a local festival. His graceful movements, the jingling of his ankle bells, and the passion in his eyes had T'rhika mesmerized. The dance told a story, and T'rhika felt every emotion conveyed by Adrian's movements.

The flustered mess that T'rhika was, he attempted many conversations with Adrian. Most of which were mumbles and stutters, Adrian found it rather charming and sweet. Thus the two became quite close, Adrian even hiring T'rhika. Adrian's dance troupe often hosted grand dinners after their performances, and fresh seafood was always in demand. T'rhika began supplying fresh catch for these events, blending his love for fishing with his growing affection for Adrian.

Their partnership wasn't just professional. As days turned into months, the bond between them deepened, leading to a blossoming relationship. Adrian introduced T'rhika to the nuances of Indian culture, while T'rhika shared stories of the sea and his adventures. The two became inseparable.

  • Fishing
  • Doing acts of service
  • Seafoods
  • Stories and tales
  • Collecting seashells for his friends and loved ones.
  • Pollution
  • Being overstimulated
  • Crowds and loud noises
  • Confinement
  • Being stared at, he gets extremely flustered and turns a bright red.
  • He can talk for hours about different fish species, ocean currents, and maritime legends.
  • T'rhika firmly believes that the phases of the moon influence the behavior of fish. He has a handwritten journal where he logs his fishing successes and the moon's position.
  • Rumor has it that T'rhika once had a moment where a passing whale seemed to communicate with him, and his village seems to believe he can speak to them.
  • A lot of T'rhika's clothes seem to be fished themed, his prized possession being his 'Women want me, fish fear me' shirt. Although he only wears these clothes at night.
  • With close friends and loved ones, he allows them to call him 'Rhika', a sign of deep trust and friendship.
Adrian Boyfriend

T'rhika deeply loves Adrian, who keeps him grounded when his thoughts drift away. He's often seen holding onto Adrian's hand, a gesture of his clingy affection. In response, Adrian always greets him with a warm smile, showing their strong and loving bond. Together, they complete each other.

Vivi Best Friend

T'rhika cherishes his bond with Vivi, seeing her as more than just a friend; to him, she's a sister in spirit. They share a deep connection, often found indulging in simple joys like painting each other's nails or engaging in lively gossip sessions. Their relationship is built on trust, laughter, and mutual respect. T'rhika's protective nature shines through when it comes to Vivi, and he'd go to great lengths, within reason, to ensure her happiness and well-being. Their bond exemplifies the essence of chosen family.

Theo Boyfriend

T'rhika and Theo share a tender bond within their relationship with Adrian. T'rhika, with his radiant positivity, naturally takes on a protective and nurturing role towards the more reserved Theo. He's always attuned to Theo's feelings, ensuring he feels included and comfortable in all situations.

Dmitri Friend

T'rhika and Dmitri's relationship starts from being close through Adrian, but grows stronger as they train together. While Dmitri might seem serious, he secretly takes pride in T'rhika's progress. T'rhika genuinely likes training with Dmitri, even if he's not the best at it. Their bond shows how they both learn from each other, becoming friends who share a connection that doesn't need many words.