


8 months, 22 days ago


There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits

Name Perpetua
Age ??? (Adult)
Alias Gaia
Gender Female
Sexuality Birom Demisexual
Pronouns She / Her
Role Earth's consciousness
Race Goddess

than this distant image of our tiny world.
  • Based off a blue dragon/blue glaucus nudibranch, angler fish, and cliones
  • A lot of her color scheme and outfit motifs are based off of Tiamat from FGO/A
  • Her full goddess form is even more fish-like
  • The design shown in this profile is her when she first awakened, she can shapeshift
  • Her eyes have a cross design for her pupils

The manifestation of Earth's consciousness and it's resolve to not let itself and those that inhabit it die.

A lonely goddess who spent a millennia on her own, only forming superficial relationships with those around her. Perpetua is cursed to be the observer of everything that happens on Earth for all eternity. It was her self assigned duty since awakening after the magical world collided with her own non-magical one to keep the world from falling apart. A more natural decay she would have accepted, but the world as it is now is "wrong" and cannot survive without her aid.

Every time a disaster occurs that wipes out a significant part of the world, it is Perpetua's job to reset it back to the point where the worlds first merged in an effort to somehow fix it. It is her job to lead her people to peace and prosperity, and by the time the story starts, she has already succeeded.

Yet even at her most victorious of times, she cannot help but feel isolated.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another,
Time Loops

At any time, Perpetua can reset the world back to when she first awoke on that day that changed everything. Anything and everything on Earth is affected by her loop resets, even other gods should they be caught in Earth's atmosphere. This results in time passing for everything outside the Earth while everything inside of the planet begins anew. It is like a perfectly sealed terrarium.

Perpetua has looped the world thousands of times now in order to achieve an era of peace that has lasted several hundreds of years.

World Magic

While Perpetua is rather weak physically, she has the power to manipulate the world itself as she is Earth. Wherever she stays ends up prospering with bountiful gifts given by nature that can benefit the magical and non-magical alike.

In specific areas like her library, or just in general anywhere she has spent an extended amount of time cultivating magical energy, Perpetua is nearly unstoppable.

Previously, this ability was so strong that she could separate the magical and non-magical into two separate parallel "terrariums" in order to allow both of them to thrive. However ever since the merge, she has long since lost this ability. In general she seems a bit weaker than she was before...


Perpetua routinely changes her appearance and identity every few millennia in order to create the illusion of her death as she plants roots elsewhere to continue her work. Usually she sticks to nudibranches as a basis for her appearance as she is seemingly limited to only sea creatures to mimic the appearance of.


The awakened manifestation of the Earth’s consciousness notable for being one of the few wills to have the power to manipulate time to some extent. Many years ago, Perpetua separated Earth from its magic in order to allow both sides to thrive separately without destroying each other. For many years she slumbered in the core of her planet, content to let the life on either side of her to run their own courses without her aid.

That was, of course, until a foolish mage disrupted the balance of the world on the split magical side. Without her watchful gaze, and thus her knowledge, the split off magical world that she had sequestered into its own “terrarium” like world had found out about the other side. Soon after, they managed to find out how to merge the worlds together, and the once contained magic was unleashed upon her non-magical world, terrorizing the humans and the natural fauna and flora. It was only then that she awoke to her planet tearing itself apart from the two halves suddenly combining again.

In a panic, Perpetua used what little power she had to set up a point for a time loop, allowing her to always come back to that exact point in history in a desperate attempt to keep her world from falling apart completely. Ever since then, she has taken up multiple different identities in order to help push the people of her world to a better direction.

For thousands of years, Perpetua restarted her world from the start of the tragedy over and over again to save her world from complete annihilation. The repeated loops have made her feel a sense of loneliness and isolation that no one else around her could possibly hope to understand—even the other wills. After all, outside of changing the flow of history to save it from destruction and playing the role her current persona demands, Perpetua chooses to distance herself from her people.

It is only recently that she has brought herself to truly open up to her “children,” finally managing to bring in a stable era of peace that has lasted for a hundred or so years. Her current persona is that of the head librarian of Eternia, Madeleine Kuchen. While she initially created the library in order to gauge and study the reactions of her people to certain events through the use of stories, Perpetua has recently found joy in simply having the library function as is.

Still though, Perpetua refuses help from others when it comes to her true duty as her world's protector. For the longest time, no matter how hard they insisted that they could help her, or no matter how many times they pleaded with her to stop and take care of herself, Perpetua refused to listen to the other celestial beings and trudged forward. No matter how many times she failed, she continued moving forward to repeat her time loop... even if it meant she was destroying herself on the inside.

She only calmed down recently after she had a really bad breakdown that resulted in one of her assistant librarians stepping in to calm her down with the aid of one of her "older siblings." Apologetic, she made a promise to them that she would do better to take care of herself too in future loops in order to help everyone.

Now, whenever a disaster ruins her world and she is forced to reset, she takes some time off to breathe and calm down before immediately throwing herself back into the fire. While she still refuses direct help from the other celestial beings in her galaxy, she still allows them to console and comfort her. After all... Isn't that what family for?


  • As said before, the areas she stays in prosper. They end up becoming flourishing civilizations. She probably was the one who ended up helping set up the teleportation crystals in certain areas.
  • The library's true purpose was to figure out how different people react to certain situations. It was just a way for her to provide a service to people and to know them better so she can properly take their reactions into account for future situations.
  • The library is currently the longest she has gotten without having to reset a loop.
  • Her favorite food is actually black forest cake. Her least favorite food is anything bitter. She does not like eating bitter vegetables.

and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
Birthday May 1st
Height 166cm
Hobbies Reading, socializing
Likes Sweet foods, happy endings
Dislikes Bad endings


A lonely manifestation of an empty galaxy who drifted his way over to her—mercifully after she finally pulled herself together.

She taught him how to love the world and everything in it. She taught him how precious everything is. Meanwhile Arche was the only one who stood up for her and wanted to help her. Along with that, he also showed her it was ok to go off-script in an effort to make things even better than she has before.

The moon

Perpetua's "brother" of sorts.

Oneiros cares for her more than anyone else, which is why Perpetua made it impossible for him to visit her world when she was spiralling. She did not want him to see her like this. Now that she has allowed him back to help her emotionally, the pair are better.

He often visits to check up on her, just wanting her to be happy.