Matthew/Calldin Bishop




Height: 4ft 5in
Weight: 95lbs (Very underweight for his kind)
Age: 45
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Unknown (he doesn't talk about his love life)
Magic Type: N/A (He never really had much magic prowess and doesn't like to use magic to begin with)


   He started life as Matthew, a scrawny Servit born in a rural town outside of Technion City. He was the only pup of his clutch to hatch, but his father would tell you he would've preferred none of them did. Matthew was born extremely pale for his kind, which is often seen as a sign of poor health and bad luck. His father hated him for something beyond his control and left his mother and Matt soon after, this being the final straw in their even more broken marriage. His mother resented Matt because of this and became a distant mother as she begrudgingly raised him. Matthew was picked on due to his fur color not being as vibrant as the others, so he didn't really have many friends in their town. The family became a pariah because of him, only making his mother hate him all the more.

   Eventually, Matthew hate enough of it all and decided he was going to move to the big city not too far from this crappy town. His mother scoffed at the idea, saying he would never amount to anything, but Matt was not dissuaded. He scrounged up what money he could and hopped a bus to Technion City to make it big. Unfortunately, he would find the city was just as bad, or perhaps even worse than where he had come from. City Servits looked down on him for being a short and nearly colorless member of their kind. Despite going through all the bells and whistles to get a license to work, many of his own would refuse to hire him. They would tease him and call him Ratthew, something he grew to deeply resent. 

   However, all was not lost. He eventually became friends with a small group of Servits who were able to stand him. They even got him some work from time to time, got him food whenever they could spare the money, and even let him crash at their apartments. He would cycle between all but the pink one of their group, who absolutely couldn't stand his presence. He was much like the others of his kind and looked down on so-called unlucky Servits. He called it bad for business, but the others paid him no mind. Matthew would find he felt the same amount of contempt for the pink one for many years. He didn't even bother to remember the bitch's name. 

   Matthew would get a big break sometime down the line from this. He's never disclosed the details, but somehow he got hooked up with a rather shady businessman who told him they could make huge money together. This benefactor saw potential in him, for it wasn't too often you saw a pale Servit become known throughout Technion City as a huge personality. Matthew was desperate at this point and agreed to whatever this person wanted. They became business partners, and Matthew would rename himself to Calldin. He would become known as one of the best TV and radio personalities on the air. He sold all manners of goods and services, whatever his partner said would rack in the most sales. They traveled around the many districts of the city and would do interviews, and would talk about their big plans to help build up and improve the city. Calldin was at the highest point of his life, living in the rich side of town in a top-floor apartment suite. No one dared to make fun of him anymore, because if they did they would mysteriously go missing. He had a good friend in his partner, and everything was perfect. 

   But then a horrible secret came out. Calldin didn't know how someone learned about it, but someone on the inside found out everything had been a scam. His partner was passing bad money and making bogus deals. Their sponsors started blowing up his phone, demanding to know where their half of these deals were. At the end of the day, all fingers were pointing at him, for he was the face of this business. Calldin tried to explain he had no idea this was happening, that it had been his partner who'd duped them all. But by then, the scammer had taken all of the money and fled, leaving Calldin with the consequences. He faced jail time for fraud and was financially ruined, and by the time he got out, he was a changed man. Calldin, now homeless and without a penny to his name, was left to wander the dirty streets of Technion City. 

   He was ashamed of himself for letting this happen, and couldn't bear going back to his old friends for help. He had ignored them for so long, never quite making the dinner dates they had always planned. When he first got into big business he would take them out to fancy restaurants and tell them how much it meant to him to have friends who stuck with him for so many years. But then somehow he lost track of time, and just never showed up again to those dates. Calls were left unheard, and messages unread. Calldin had abandoned his friends, and that had been one of his greatest sins in this whole mess. So he decided to serve his penance in solitude, living in the back alleys and avoiding the places he knew they would frequent. He would hope they would think he was dead and would move on. Calldin would suffer because of this choice, and soon the effects of Failure's Rot would set in. 

   The disease set in over time, causing him to begin to lose his fur and further dull the color of what was left. His mood became forlorn, and eventually, this would turn into paranoia and bouts of manic episodes. Being so malnourished and without purpose in life, his circuitry would begin to degrade and his memory chip would break down too, meaning he would start losing some of his memories as well. He resorted to stealing whenever he felt like he was on the edge of full collapse. He no longer looked, sounded, or acted like his old self due to living in squalor. He was damaged but refused to seek help due to the world turning its back on him, and also out of fear of his friends finding him again and seeing what's become of him. At some point, he came in contact with a sinister-looking Servit who infected him with some sort of virus, which just made his life all the worse. He was able to escape the man, but now he suffers from even worse stuttering and at times full-on blackouts. If nothing changes, Calldin knows he will die in some back alley soon.


   Despite everything that's happened to him he's still a cocky bastard, or at least he pretends to be. He still attempts to jump people and sell them whatever he's collected from time to time, mostly in hopes of making enough money for him to eat. He hopes to at least get others to pity him enough to give him a handout, even though he hates having to resort to this. If this doesn't work he has no qualms with pickpocketing out of desperation. He knows he's not a good person, but he doesn't have a choice anymore after everything he's been through.

   If he sat down with someone and had an actual heart-to-heart, his true feelings would spill out. He's a tired and nearly defeated old man who's past his prime, though he never had a real prime to begin with. He's never actually happy anymore and only pretends to be around those he deems a suitable target. He hates his life and always has since the moment he was born. He misses his friends but is too ashamed to show his face to them after so many years. He's afraid of what would happen and how they would react to seeing him now. He just wishes he could see them again and apologize for everything.

(He's based on Spamton from Deltarune, but since I don't do Addison or Spamton stuff anymore I decided to take what I wrote for him and make him into a more original character!)