
5 years, 11 months ago


basic info

 FULL NAME Botis Goldstrand

 NICKNAME(S)Bo, Gold, Strand, Cap

 KIN Phintias

 AGE Around 6000 years (appears 25)


 orientation Bi-sexual now leans more towards Woman

 occupation Airship Captain / Blue Fire Engeneer

 role Main male lead

 MAIN STORY Nothing Demonic 

 ALSO APPEARS IN... Witch Pack, Demon from the Sky, a Job to die for

 owner GreySparkle

Bo is a very teasing kind of personality. He likes to play, even if he is working really hard to get to a more serious state.
His hugh collection of black books, he collected over the hundrets of years will tell stories of all his Conquests he captured over time.
Including a drawn Portrait, favouts and a rating system of the event. 

He has this dark Bad Boy charm yet he can be so goofy at times.
His trait of beeing a very organised person, sometimes let him appea like a neatfreak, but he don't care, he loves his clean and Orgenised enviroment.
Dressing nicely just add to his affect he has on women. He can lure nearly everyone with his charm.

Botis can be really headstrong, when he set his mind to something its usally hard to change that. 

He usually hide his Phintias side (cause his race is hunted)
But when he really gets into a smexy mood, he can not always contain his inner demon. His eyes change from blue to red (starting light pink to crimson red on his arousal level). Also his horns start to poke out till he fully change.
But over the years he learned to control it very well and since he is so experienced, he rarely gets in that mood. Who knows who changed that state of him
On the contrary when he gets really mad or very very angry, his eyes change to a blackscarla with a red iris (from light grey to pitch black). You better don't get on his bad side.


Botis was found as a young boy by Captain Erik Goldstrand, who was a Young Grande man in his almost 3000 years. He already found his soulmate but lost her to an Accident. Her wish was it allways to see him becoming a Father, Thats why he probably decided to rais this strange wild Child.
He was Well Raised and learned all the culture and solcial things to learn, Early he started to get a intrest in Machines and thei more efficient use ..
but as his late Puperty hit he was more like a Angry snob, His body  was Changing diffrentlyand he didn't why.. he also didn't cared,
His Father already said he must be special since he is still alive after such a long time.
Time yet Time became irrelevant to him and he so spend his time to do what he want, whore around, parties, he didn't care for work and made his Fathers life hard.
They also had learned early that when he change his form bad people appear soon after and try to hunt him, and it took him very very long to find out what he was.
Only as his Father Died he was confronted with that Time actually could end!
He regreted that he didn't see his father often lately and if , they almost querell everytime.
His Father left him a letter were he purred all his love into, wich left Botis stunned, and since than he try to change and become more the man his father would be proud of,
yet this wasn't so easy. 


  • Small cute things
  • Tinkering 
  • Non sweet mint bonbons
  • Teasing women
  • Cooking
  • Tidy rooms

  • Chaos
  • Sweets
  • Bossy people (cause he is a boss)
  • Nagging women
  • Clingy people
  • Getting late


 foodRare steak with potato slices


 DESSERT Doesn't like sweets

 COLOR Brown, Green

 MOVIE Seen too many
 WEATHERSummer, late autumn



 PLANTBamboo and orchids

 SPORT The 3 short and hot letters XXX

Erik Goldstrand
Adoptive Father

He was a well respected man and Captain. He was allways strickt but good and kind, i never thought i would miss him that much.

Nix Damon
Crew member and possible Love interest

This Little Kitten is getting on my nerves, She is Chaos, so Raw and Plump, way to clingy at times. I really can't understand why she can't just listen to the things i tell her?! SHe is driving me nuts, wiggling around with her cute little Ass all the time, or sneaking into my bed to warm herself, and than dea to show her cute little Cat ears and tail, even Purr when i caress her back.. Uh why i even telling this.. She sure is absolutly not my interest... she is just stuck in my head, thats is all.

Crew Member / friend

Harui ?ahhh yeh she is an asweome Tech for an Anguis, Tries to act like my elder Sister at times, not that i listen to her but its nice having her warm personality around.

HurryCane Mountaindraft
Crew Member / friend

Ohh This Boy.. he sometimes reminds me of me as i was younger, I defenetly make sure to teach him well in the art of concuring woman.

Odin Hamelton
Crew Member / confidant

Hemolton act as the Captain of the Stardust for me, His whole Family always offer one of them to get into the footsteps of the old Captains in act. Hamelton did a good job and handle The new crew well, I think Odin is already the 7th grandchild of the first Hamelton i hired. A really reliable Family.


Uch don't even ask.

Crew Member

So Quite, sometimes i wonder if he is even human.

Crew Member

So damn Grumpy but do an amazing job.

Crew Member

Master of Coins , relayable, Haruis lover boy.

Stardusts Soul

Way too demanding









  • Wealding Fire is his Natrual Ability
  • He can use Earth and wind Magic as well
  • Shape shifting - Botis has 3 Forms - Humanoid form - first Phintias form looks like a Volacerta, he get his black ram horns , wings and a tail , his fire tattoo seem to be alive on his skin, ( yet he didn't use it often since his power is so strong that his magic outburst set a small ping on the Govermental radar) - second Phintias form, he will grow in size, wich he can controle, almost up to 4 meters when he pour much energy to it. His usal slidley culed horns grew immense and eventually uncurle and rise up, his SKincolour change to red and his fire tattoo turns black, He looks most demon like in this form and has his ultimate stregh ( Power and Magic +2 ) 
  • Over time he got some pretty damn good Cooking skills same as Cleaning and Organising skills.
  • He has the Blue Fire Engeneer Rank, highest officially Rank for Engeneers on Fiery Goverment. 


 SKIN Caucaisien

 EYES Blue

 HAIR Blond

 BODY Muscular


  • Botis has multiple  Black ear piercings on both sides, please look at the reference, his wear his black cross earring on his left ear.
  • Has a Fire Tattoo on HIS left  chest side and arm.
  • Botis can be drawn with Medium till long Blond Hair.
  • Hair do: Open hair, Half ponytail, messy man bun.
  • Can have a short lower beard, no upper lip beard though.
