Caspar Faulkner's Ownership Log

19 Jan 2021, 6:48:42 pm Transferred to GrimKitten
12 Jan 2021, 11:24:16 am Transferred to notsurewhattodo
13 Dec 2020, 5:48:08 am Transferred to TimeOut
31 Oct 2020, 8:29:37 am Transferred to Aspen-Draconic
5 Jun 2020, 4:08:25 pm Transferred to Coffee-Spare
8 May 2020, 7:07:55 pm Transferred to Whixy
freebie bin gift
5 May 2020, 12:39:49 pm Transferred to willowbone
putting character back on main account
20 Jul 2019, 8:52:04 pm Transferred to mothpop
sending to alt account for organization purposes
16 Jun 2018, 10:04:59 pm Character created by willowbone