Faved!!! Thank u for the opportunity!! 🥰

You're welcome and GL!

Faved n made a bulletin! Also subbed bc your art is so gorgeous omg 😭 😭 


Thank you so much that means a lot. <3 And thank you for sharing! GL!

Faved and shared on a bulletin! These are so adorable!!

Thank you so much! And good luck to you! <3


I am also subscribing because DAMN your art is so cool man!!!!

 I wish everyone entering the bestest of luck💛

Thank you so much! <3 That means a lot. (I always wonder what people think when they see my chibis, then go look at my normal paintings haha.)


(I WAS AMAZED, I CAN TELL YOU THAT<3<3<3 I was like "OH MY GOSH such a cute artsyle!" When I saw the chibi's, then I saw the normal paintings and I was like "OH MY GOODNESS THESE ARE EPIC?!!?!?!!")

Faved and shared, thank you for the opportunity!

You're welcome and good luck!

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GL to you! <3



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Thank you for the bulletin and GL to you!

faved this!

Thank you GL!

faved and shared in a bulletin :]

Thank you and good luck! <3



I'm glad you enjoy it! <3 GL and thank you for the bulletin!

https://toyhou.se/Aehmy/bulletins The art is cute as heck

Thank you so much and GL!

Thank you for the bulletin gl gl!


Faved and shared!

I really love how the chibis look. LIKE AWH?! ITS AMAZING X"))

I'm so glad you like them! <3 Good luck and thank you <3

Your welcome and Thank you aswell! <33

Hope I'm not to late!  I faved and the bulletin is linked below!


Not too late at all! <3 GL thank you for the bulletin <3

ENTERING!! Faved + bulletin

GL GL~ Thank you for the bulletin!

entering! faved and did a bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1457207.raffle-not-mine

Thank you for the bulletin! GL GL!

REEE this is so cool! entering + bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1457107.80s-n-90s-chibi-raffle-nm

Aaaah! Thank you and GL to you!



GL to you!

Entering! Only faved c:

GL~! <3

GL to you and thank you for the bulletin!

faved and posted a bulletin <3

Thank you GL GL!

Favourited and subbed! Tysm for the opportunity, your art is just stunning!

AAh thank you so much! <3 GL to you!

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You're very welcome and thank you! GL! <3


Faved this

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1455995.look-at-this

luv your style! <3

Thank you so much and GL to you! <3

Hello! Favorited, subbed, and created a bulletin!!! Just found your profile today, and I love your art style!!! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1455741.chibi-raffle-nm

Ah thank you for the sub and the bulletin! <3 I'm really glad you like my work, it means a lot! <3 GL!

You're very welcome, and thanks again!!!

I did all and shared on a bulletin! Your art is incredible, I'm so happy I discovered this!

Thank you for the bulletin and the super kind words. <3 GL to you!

faved! :D

Thank you GL GL! <3


GL! <3

Thank you for the post, GL GL! <3

fav'd n did a bulletin!! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1455342.very-cool-raffle-from-mechabond RAAA art so cool,,, (◕_◕)

Thank you for the bulletin and gl! <333

Faved, https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1455339.raffle, and subbed bc your art is adorable!!

Thank you for the support and the sub! <3 I'm glad you like it, tysm! GL




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Thank you for the bulletin and GL! And thank you for the sub as well.   I'm really glad you like my work, it means a lot.

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Thank you good luck! <3

This is awesome :0!!! made a bulletin too <33


Thank you for the kind bulletin and gl!

No problem!! Ur art is geneunly so amazing and cool!!!! :00 💝💖💞

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Thank you and gL!

Faved and made a bulletin ♥️ https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1454949.raffle-ongoing

I also subscribed and liked ur characters because they are so good ???? Your art is absolutely delightful to look at! 

Thanks for the bulletin and thank you so much for the kind words and favs. <3 My characters mean a lot to me so that's nice to hear and I'm glad you like my other art! GL!

faved and https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1454894.enter-this-raffle 

Your 80s/90s style anime chibis fit the style so well! 

Thank you for the post! And I'm glad I hit the era just right. <3 GL!

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Ah, thank you so much! <3 I'm glad you like them. GL!

Entering and you can't stop me from subbing. xD

Good luck! And LOL don't threaten me with a good time   Thank you for the sub!

Panic at the disco "Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time" xD

Faved and shared bulletin!


Thank you so much for the share and GL!   

Faved !!

I gave u a sub bc I love 90’s style art ^^

Thank you GL! And thank you so much for the sub!   I'm planning on developing a full bodies 90s style as well to go with the chibis, so hopefully you'll get to see more pop up soon!


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Thank you GL! <3

Thank you so much for the bulletin! GL! <3

Thank you so much! I'm honored you decided to post up a bulletin since you dont do it often  

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GL to you as well and thank you!   

Whaa these are so cool! Love your style <3

Thank you so much! I spent a lot of time developing them so that means a lot. <3

Good luck ! I really love that style and i want to eat your art >:3

GL to you as well! And thank you so much I'm so glad you like my goobers.   

ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Good luck everyone!

Thank you! And good luck to you as well! <3

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Thank you so much! <3 And I'm so glad you like it it means a lot!

omg this style is everything

  I'm so glad you like my goobers thank you!

of course! do you do comms? :0

Yes I do! They're currently on sale for my grand opening until the 18th. Though as a fair warning due to the sale my queue is a little long atm so I can't guarantee the 1-14 TAT but I'm doing my best!

when I get money i’m coming back to this, how long are they open for? :0 also would you consider characters in exchange for art by chance? omg

They'll be closed on the 18th, but I'll be reopening them again sometime in October once I revamp the thread! And it would very much depend on the character, since I like to usually design them myself. I won't say a flat no though in case the character is extra special.

2 Replies

Faved and shared! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1454375.good-chibis tysm for this chance!! :]

Thank you and you're welcome! Good luck to you. <3

OMG these are adorable!! one day if im in a position to and theyre still open....🤞

Thank you I'm so glad you like my goobers. <3 I spent quite a while developing the style so that means a lot!

faved and shared ! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1454350.80s-chibi-raffle-nm tysm for the chance <3

Thank you for the bulletin and you're welcome! Gl! <3

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Thank you so much! <3 Gl to you!

Thank you for the opportunity!!! Faved and bulletin!!

Hey you! <3 Gl (though I have a secret you might be surprised by but I'm not telling yet.)

HII!!! <3 <3 Thank you!! :D omGGG I love secrets idfvbsiyudfbv xD <3 I wait with bated breath!!

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thank you gl~

Faved and bulletined!

Thank you for the bulletin gl!


thank you~ <3

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I'm so sorry I'm not sure how to fix that! I'll try to remember to add you to the list for commenting if you can't get it to work before the 18th <3

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Favorite and shared! I LOVE your characters, they're super cute!! :0

Can't wait to see who wins!! ♡

Thank you! And I'm glad you like them <3 (I need to post more up ghfgh). Good luck to you!   

faved and shared! thank u for the chance!

Thank you for the bulletin! And you're welcome, good luck!   

thank you so much for the bulletin! good luck!   

meow :3 (good luck !!)

Meow <3 ily az

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ily dawn <3

i just wanna meow at you hello


Please I’m so in love with these !

Here’s my bulletin !
Thanks for the change <3

Thank you for the bulletin! <3 I'm glad you like them.

these r so cute !! i made a bulletin here :] https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1453799.80s90s-chibi-art-raffle-nm

Thank you for the bulletin! <3 I'm glad you like them!

Aaaa - these are so cool! Shared in a bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1453780.chibi-raffle Tysm for the chance :D

Thank you and you're welcome! Glad you like them!

https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1453757.mechabond-raffle-go-check-them-out I learned how to do a bulletin just for this :)

TEEKS you did it <3

Shared on a Bulletin! Thank you so much for hosting :3

Thank you for the bulletin and you're welcome! GL!

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Thank you for the bulletin!



here’s the bulletin hehe <33