Cotton Candy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Meatball5250 Global Rules
Credit me for original design on all refs (written visibly on all future refs!). You can credit me as my username here, as "Meatball", or as my FP ID #1460652. Other aliases are 'TeaJae' 'Chishiya' and 'Bite'. Don't "retire" any of my designs, I don't want them being deleted. !!Do NOT edit any of my art!! I am more than happy to make minor changes if the design has changed for example and the lineart doesn't need changing. Provided I have the files and you are polite about it of course. You may never ever edit my art. You may pm me regarding this and I may make some exceptions. ALWAYS credit me as well; kinda obvious but eh.!!