


1 year, 11 days ago

Basic Info




In Captivity


Basic Info
Name: Zephyra
Age: 19
Place of birth: Dimension X
Place of living: Dimension X
Species: Mexican red wood turtle and kraang hybrid  
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Ace
Birthday: May 19th
Affiliation: Kraang Experiments
Job: Hunter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Height: 6’1ft
Weight: 150lbs
Skin color: Pink sentiment  
Eye color: Bright sky blue
Birthmarks: N/A
Scars: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: 1 (identification number)

Personal Info:
Marital Status: Single
Family Status: Alive (twins with Zenith)
Physical Health: Healthy
Mental Health: PTSD, Selective mutism

Weapons: Claws
Armor: N/A  
Other: N/A

Ability Stats:  
Strength: 19/20  
Dexterity/Agility: 17/20  
Stamina: 20/20  
Intelligence: 19/20  
Wisdom: 15/20  
Charisma: 12/20

Personality Traits
Zephyra is very silent and skittish, often preferring to keep to herself and hide under things to observe her surroundings. She rarely speaks, but when she does, her words carry a weight of wisdom beyond her years. Despite her reserved nature, Zephyra possesses immense inner strength and determination. She is fiercely loyal to the kraang who have treated her well, earning their trust through her unwavering dedication to their cause.

Zephyra was born as one of the last experiments conducted by the kraang. While all the other hybrids were deemed failures, she emerged as a success due to her powerful psychic abilities. The kraang recognized her potential and took her under their wing, giving her the freedom to choose her own name - Zephyra, symbolizing the gentle breeze that carries whispers of hidden knowledge.
Growing up within the confines of the kraang's facility, Zephyra learned to harness her powers and use them for their missions against the turtles. Despite being sent on dangerous assignments, she never wavered in her loyalty or determination. Over time, the kraang grew fond of Zephyra for both her strength and silent resilience.
As Zephyra embarks on each mission to take down the turtles, she carries with her a sense of purpose rooted in both duty and destiny. With each encounter, she delves deeper into uncovering the truth behind her origins and unlocking the full extent of her psychic powers. In a world where alliances are tested and secrets abound, Zephyra remains a silent force to be reckoned with - a living testament to what lies beneath the surface of appearances