Coalpaw's Comments

Hey wanted to ask if the little mouse is still available. She would be a good companion for my Drake lady Rinn, as I am still looking for a companion. Thanks for your attention: hope to hear back from you

idk how to link the Charekter so jey

Hi!! I'd love to adopt them and use them in my project over here, I've been trying to balance out my world a bit since there's WAY too many brown and orange cats atm so this lil guy would fit in perfectly!! I think I'd use them in the City, I'm trying to also increase the amount of abandoned house cats since, realistically, there should be quite a few but I've been neglecting them rip. Maybe they'd be a curious and intelligent character who likes exploring the ruins- someone born after the disaster in the setting might actually be trying to learn about previous groups and factions to preserve their memory? I actually quite like that idea tbh, a little adventurous character who is sticking around in the abandoned mall to get people's stories and document things!

I'm so interested! If they're not FCFS I'd love a chance to WTA for them! Please let me know, thank you so much! They'd go in a non warriors story I have involving a group of cat friends that's adopt a quiet Tom cat into their group who has all the trauma and they go on adventures and everything. I can go into more detail if the chance to write is available. Thanks!

Hello! I saw this little guy was labeled free, if they are available, I would love to adopt them to add to my clan! Apologies if I am mistaken if they are not for giveaway 😊