Franzen's Comments

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How much art would you be comfortable offering? :o And how long would the hold for the extra money possibly be? 

Edit: No worries! cx I can still consider since I love your art ^0^/ 

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Hmm okay if I decide to resell this guy I'll get back to you!! :D I'm a bit hesitant on long holds though but I'll have an answer by Wednesday at the latest! 

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Sounds good! I'll reply here again with my answer then ^0^/ Thank you as well! 

Hello again! I've decided to not sell him for now since both offers required a hold but feel free to come back and offer anytime! :D 

Hey id absolutely love to get him with a week/week and a half hold!

I'll consider your offer! :) I'll let ya know by Wednesday at the latest if I need to sell him for sure! 

Thank you so much, and if you end up not deciding to sell him, could i possibly be pinged if he ever goes up for sale again?

Of course! I'll write ya down for future pings just so I dont forget 💀

Adding onto my offer that i can offer art on top of full resale. My design examples are here, but my art examples are on my dA

How much art could you offer and what type? :o Also you would still need the hold for the full amount right? 

14 Replies