Oli Moore



8 years, 4 months ago



♪ Hey, young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? ♪

Oli Chance Moore
Ah lee
Elf warrior
Birth date
September 17, 2136
13 as of 2150
Classic/Fighter Demon + Hourglass Time-blood hybrid

Occupation: Caterer
Personality: Oli's an incredibly high-energy child that loves to get into trouble and roll around in the dirt. He's rough and tumble and likes it when things are always changing up (because same is boring). Enjoys playing with his friends and whatever animals he can find. Due to being a demon baby, he goes into plenty of uncontrollable rage fits that could cause serious harm if not controlled. Thankfully, his parents keep an eye on him (they have little other option...). As kids do, he tends to hurt others without realizing it and then gets upset that they don't want to play with him anymore

As he ages, Oli slowly mellows out. He doesn't have nearly as much energy that he has to burn and prefers to spend his time in the kitchen. He can be a little uncertain in unfamiliar social situations, but enjoys chatting with his friends and does so often. Develops a tendency to worry a lot about this, that, and the other. Overthinks situations that have yet to come, getting himself all paranoid about the future. When not doing that, though, he's generally quite cheery. He's a little sensitive and his mood can be easily changed, so be nice
Physical Description: /
History: In 2136, Oli's born beneath the Mother Tree thanks to Cyril. Soon after, Zacaly takes him home with the intention of sheltering him, keeping the fact that both of his parents are wanted criminals a secret. Kevin thinks this is stupid, but it doesn't really matter, as the topic doesn't really go anywhere for a while. The two of them attempt to adapt to raising a baby and things go as good as can be expected

Before he's one year old, a small band of bounty hunters pinpoint Zacaly and Kevin's location, which had previously been a secret. They happened to do this on a particularly lazy day with his parents watching him in the grass as he tried to walk. He wobbled out of his parent's line of sight for a moment, which wasn't really a concern until the bounty hunters attacked him, cutting off his right arm. At the sound of him beginning to wail, his parents lept into action to kill off the hunters and rush him to Cyril and/or Mayra to stop the bleeding before it (maybe?) ended his little life. They were able to succeed and from there planned to get him a prosthetic arm, but the damage was done. Zacaly and Kevin became quite tense about how secret their secret home really was...

Tensions began to slowly rise through the years. When he was seven (2143), things got worse. His parents were out for the night when he caught sight of someone strange wandering about the trailer park. When he went to investigate, it turned out to be a bounty hunter. Panicking under gunpoint, his Fermented Mentality activated and he killed the intruder. He attempted to hide the body from his parents, but quickly gave up and came crawling back, a sobbing mess. While both parents were concerned, Zacaly took it a bit too far. She blamed Kevin for being too clumsy and leading people back to their house and sentenced him to remain there. Kevin disagreed strongly, but Zacaly would often leave the house too quickly for him to argue too much. With it being just him and Oli, he wouldn't risk leaving and abandoning his son. After about half a year of this, it became too much and Kevin started a fight that he intended to finish with his wife. Zacaly refused to change her mind and left the house again. This time, though, she didn't come back.

Oli and his father grew increasingly worried as months slipped by. His mother would only pop in briefly to drop off supplies, often when Kevin was sleeping. Seeing his parents fight for so long caused him to grow distraught. It was because of his pleading after six months of the fight, being 2144 now, that ended it. He persuaded Zacaly to check in on his dad, who had abruptly locked himself away in his room. Growing increasingly unstable as he began to believe his wife was dead, it was all Kevin thought he could do to keep himself from murdering his son. Despite his attempts, Oli was unable to get food into the room and was afraid that he was going to die in there. Seeing the severity of the situation, Zacaly called off the feud and apologized, allowing the little family to begin trying to heal. One year later when he was nine and it was 2145, the couple ended up mistakenly having a second child: Sasha

When he turned 13 in 2150, the world started to end. Jealous of the prestige and power that the gods had, a large collection of minor "failure" and "useless" deities took to Akis, determined to destroy it. Using their collective power, they weakened the gods, and captured Kavi. The gods did their best to come down to Akis and fend off the intruders, but it was clear they were fighting a losing battle. In a last grab for success, the weakening deities turned to the group members that had saved the world before from Bitterness and the Hidden Eyes. Each god chose one of their children to donate their remaining strength to, making them a Chosen and asking them to repeat their parents' accomplishment. Oli was Chosen by Death himself and sent on his way with his childhood friends and baby brother, the fate of the world on their shoulders


♪ I'm gonna change you like a remix then I'll raise you like a phoenix ♪

Thomas Dutton? The Exit, Forgive Durden
Whatever he was cooking last
Killing a person
Main Hand
Fermented Mentality
Dec. 24, 2014-ish

Details: Oli's Fermented Mentality is pretty in control thanks to his parents efforts to keep it that way. Still, as a teen and adult, he begins to dread it flying out of his hands... ▎His favorite thing to do is torn between cooking and looking for frogs ▎He absolutely loves frogs and oftentimes brings them back to the house in droves. This was the gateway animal before he just started taking the whole woods home ▎Like most of his friends, Oli messed around with Cosette's piano when he was little. He knows how to play small things like the first bit of Ode to Joy, but that's about all he's got on that front ▎He's really good at cooking. Like, stupidly good. He ruins eating anywhere else by taking any food served anywhere else and making his own version which is just better ▎After his mom let him start having frogs in his room, Oli grew quite used to the noise they made. In fact, after a while he found it difficult if not impossible to fall asleep without the constant croaking and shuffling. Thankfully, Charlie doesn't mind this, so he's able to install a habitat behind their bed when they move into their own house ▎As far as anyone can tell, Oli does not have the regenerative properties of a time-blood. Thankfully, his life force seems to remain connected to his hour glasses, otherwise he'd already be dead by now. He won't die from blood loss or anything, but it may require some healing potions, charms, and/or talented mages to get him back together if things get hairy ▎Kind of a subconscious thing, but he doesn't like it when all the sand in his tail is all on the bottom. It doesn't get shuffled around as much as what's in his arms and legs, instead just...sitting there. Because of this, he'll often purposefully swish his tail around to get the sand moving even if it wasn't done draining. Most times, he doesn't even check. He just swishes it ▎When he was growing up, his parents figured they should probably teach him some magic because that's a thing that some kids learn... Their views were a bit biased, though, resulting in his magical knowledge being almost entirely fire-based. Thankfully, he's adept at controlling it by the time he's 13 ▎Even though he doesn't make a habit of fighting people, it's unlikely his parents let him venture out of the house without knowing the basics of close quarter combat ▎He's the eldest of Zacaly and Kevin's children ▎His prosthetic arm can be buggy on the rare occasion and freeze for a moment or two ▎If and when Oli ever goes into a rage via Demon modes or Fermented Mentality, his face goes eerily blank ▎He was raised going on "shopping trips" where his parents would take him to sneak out and steal things they needed. His still does this as an adult and sees little problem with it. It's fine! It's just shopping ▎Has a tendency to make huge amounts of food that nobody is going to eat and, occasionally wake up at early hours and robotically make the same thing over and over again when stressed ▎Oli was...admittedly not planned ▎
Songs: The Exit by Forgive Durden • The Resistance by Skillet • The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy • Hero by Tommee Profitt ft. Mike Mains • Legend by The Score • Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At the Disco
Ship Songs: All About Us by He is we ft. Owl City • Marry You by Bruno Mars • Killer by Plain White Ts
Extra: House garbo

  • Rainbow sherbet
  • Frogs!! And all animals. But frogs, too
  • : )
  • : )
  • : )

    Kevin Father
    Zacaly Mother. She sure is wild
    Sasha Younger brother
    Zoey Younger brother
    Sawyer Younger brother
    Lorem Younger brother
    Bailey Younger sister
    Salem Younger sister
    Harold Cranky goose pet
    Amari Friend since childhood
    Safa Friend since childhood
    Rosemary Friend since childhood
    Serenity Friend since childhood
  • Not being allowed to bring animals home
  • Lazy cooking
  • : (
  • : (
  • : (

    Charlie SO
    Obadiah Eldest son
    Dannik Second son
    Sinna Son, one of the twins
    Sammy Son, one of the twins
    Gurgles Beloved family pet and his giant bear best friend!
    Bella After his mother absolutely rejected letting him have a skunk in the house, he kept little Bella in an abandoned singlewide as a secret
    Tavi Pet. Zacaly got him Tavi to replace Bella as if he wouldn't notice they weren't the same. His still loves the kitty, though

html: Hukiolukio