Charlotte ✧



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

The Comet Flight

With the help of a mysterious and magical aircraft lovingly dubbed "The Comet Flight," an unlikely group of five teenage friends band together to explore the world. The result? A lot of quirky adventures and stories to tell.


"A cup of tea would be lovely, thank you."
Name Charlotte Snow Ayansi
Age 18
Height 5'3"
Birthday September 21st
Species Human
MBTI ISFJ - "The Defender"
Alignment Lawful Good
Colors Pink, blue, white
Work Weather Systems Navigator
‹‹ History ››

Charlotte Ayansi, a well-mannered and sensitive child, grew up within a well-mannered, respected household. Turbulence rarely plagued the family, and though they came from modest means, they had just enough to live lives free of hardship or discomfort. However, in the summer following Charlotte's ninth birthday, her mother began experiencing the onset of Lou Gehrig's disease. The Ayansis were informed by their doctor that it was unfortunately untreatable. As her mother's condition worsened, Charlotte compulsively cleaned and maintained the house, her perfectionism apparent in every tidied closet. Her mother passed away when Charlotte was twelve years old.

Charlotte and her father grieved quietly, though their surrounding community overflowed with love and support. In the years following her mother's death, Charlotte grew obsessed with the question of transience and why life always ended so soon. She spent many hours at her mother's grave lost in grief. Her father, possessing a sensitive soul like hers, grew worried and guided her to further grief counseling. With care, time, and love, she grew more able to manage her anxiety and compulsions.

In her sophomore year of high school, Charlotte made friends who would eventually become the crew of The Comet Flight. Charlotte has since assumed the role of the team's Weather Systems Navigator, analyzing weather patterns, tailwinds, and safe pathways for the aircraft to travel.

Because of her love for living things, Charlotte began wondering about other parts of the world. What other lifeforms are out there? I know there is more. She has documented at least 146 new, fascinating things that she has seen around the world since joining The Comet Flight. Her mental health has further progressed to where she is often seen laughing or teasing her friends on matters of mispronunciation and hygiene. She also makes sure to pay her mother and father a visit at least once every few months.

‹‹ Origins ››
"Hey, Charlotte—"
‹‹ Misc ››
  • Tea (particularly chai)
  • Cleaning
  • Birds and nature
  • Reading
  • Knitting
  • Using sophisticated language
  • Literature
  • Geography
  • Messes
  • Disorganization
  • Swearing
  • Large crowds of people
  • Industrialization
  • Economics
Often Thinks About
How there is so much more to discover and document!

Special Talents8398503_XmYgoET5BzAi22T.png?1532804579
Never leaving an item unaccounted for, tidying an area in a matter of seconds, always winning at Jenga, ridiculously good memory, equally ridiculously large vocabulary.

Weathered books, trees in bloom, classical music, roses, pastel colors, sunrises, intricate tea sets, potted plants, stars, songbirds.
coded by vomco base design by Nakoo