Edwin Goore




Stick of Truth/Fractured But Whole New Kid OC
NOTE: If drawn in default outfit, fire pattern or skeleton shirt fits are interchangeable as well as eyeliner. Piercings are preferably NOT. Also, he has freckles (randomization fine)
 Note 2: Super hero + villain outfit cape jagged to look like bat wings (not clearly referenced) (example here)
Edwin is a young 10 year old with a fascination with vampires and the macabre; a vampire kid/Goth combo that sits him in an awkward position of 'belonging', he finds it hard to gel with a specific group of people. Born and raised, originally, in Britain, Edwin ended up moving with his mother to South Park towards the end tail of The Stick of Truth events. Questioning Edwin about his prior home life will give you mixed responses, alternating between interactions, on the truth. The absence of his father is a mystery as he tends to make up different stories each time he's questioned. Edwin is selectively mute, both to avoid ridicule for his still prominent British accent but also in order to irritate Cartman, whomst he's begrudgingly come to know. Edwin is someone with emotional walls he wishes to keep up, relying on his selective mutism for this too. Edwin ended up moving to America, and by extension, South Park, due to his cousin Chloe Mass living there.

He would consider himself a very close friend of Butters Stotch as well as partial friends with Kenny Mccormick. During the events of The Fractured But Whole; he takes on the 'hero' persona of Officer Order. Still keeping his vampire aesthetic, he embodies the classes of Assassin and Netherborn. Born a girl but identifying as a man, he grows to develop a natural strong distaste for Cartman due to his attitude and general world views. It doesn't take long for his distaste for Cartman, coupling with his care for Butters, to develop into Eric becoming a personal punching bag for the boy. Both for self satisfaction and to keep Butters mostly shielded from the boy's cruel antics.

Initially, Edwin is a member of Coon and Friends; to the apparent delight of Cartman. In doing so, Pink Comet (Chloe Mass, his cousin) becomes his arch nemesis, only strengthened when Edwin's true nature and alias comes into play. On the same hierarchy level as Dougie O'Connell; Edwin has been working for Professor Chaos the entire time under the alias Admiral Anarchy. Backstabbing Coon and Friends upon getting to the inner bowels of the U-Store-It, he becomes a post General Disarray Boss Fight, leading to Professor Chaos.

In character, Officer Order/Admiral Anarchy's Kryptonite is the Sun, due to it's reflective powers against his own of Necromancy and shadow magic (truthfully, it falls into his vampire aesthetic and genuine light sensitivity). He believes he has Eldritch DNA that he shares with his cousin, which is the source of his powers.

Edwin identifies as a Transgender (FTM) Bisexual boy. He has a mixed black background is British/American- his mother is British and his father is American. During what little of The Stick of Truth he got to play, he was a Necromancer Thief.
Undercover for Professor Chaos as he 'works alongside' CAF
Boss fight in Professor Chaos' lair


Smaller personality notes/facts;

-Goes by Edwin Goore but his last name is actually Moore. He's just edgy
-Feral, bites and punches
-Anger issues
-Butters enjoyer FR
-Collects dead things (Vulture culture
-Likes to pick up big sticks and literally just drag them across railings (he uses Cartman as a fucking Pinata when he sees him)
-Knuckle popping. He definitely just throttles the air around Butters to squash that affection aggression
-Scar on opposite knee from falling over himself trying to sled down a particularly steep hill (he always talks abt how he took his knee to the bone) (he did)
-Considers moving away from his dad and to South Park as (currently) the best part of his life, he has some friends now and his cousin as well. It's been a vast improvement

-Butters Stotch (best friend, 'boss/leader', crush)
-Kenny Mccormick (acquaintances)
-Craig Tucker (close friend)
-Tweek Tweak (close friend)
-Chloe Mass (cousin)
-Dougie O'Connell ('teammate')
-Mike Makowski (close friend, vampire clan leader)