
Starting off the spookiest month with some adopts! I'll be posting batches of two every other day, so stay tuned for more!


The whispers of legend rumor of a medic from a long-lost swamp colony. Every patient she had died slow, painful deaths only days after seeing her, or simply didn't come back the same. One day, when the leader of the colony and a small mob of others confronted her, she cursed the entire colony. Now only ruins remain, many monuments buried under clusters of a plant mirroring the medicine cat's name: Foxglove. Some claim it is but a tale to keep adventurers from exploring the ancient swamp. Others swear with their lives that it is true, and that entire bloodlines have been cursed by the crime of merely stepping foot in the ruins.

Flatsale - $25 (CLOSED!)


From the same legends another creature rises. Rumor has it that an undead spirit haunts the very same swamp the Foxglove Witch does, cursed forever to live in a rotting body of brittle bones, sloughing flesh, and decaying fur. Some believe that undead creature was the old leader of the swamp colony, whose name has since been erased from all memory.

Flatsale - $25 (CLOSED!)

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