Swannose [star]



5 years, 11 months ago


Main Character of my first warriors arc

Major WIP 

Swanstar was born frail, and rejected by her parents. She grew bitter and resentful, despite having the love and support of her childhood friend (later to be mate) Applefrost and medicine cat (parental figure) Willowfrost. The other kits, including her littermates taunt her for being weak, and she becomes determined to prove them wrong. She uses her cunning to climb the ranks. She becomes leader with the help of her former apprentice and most dedicated follower Shadestep. Together, they lay a trap for the current deputy, Swannose's father Quailwish. Upon his death, she takes the position of deputy, having earned favor among all the cats with her manipulation. Once leader she become tyrannical, and launches a full scale attack on the loners beyond RiverClan terrirtory, wanting to take all the land surrounding the Clans for RiverClan. During her rule she and Applefrost have kits, Mistyeyes and Moondapple. Swanstar deperately wants to keep power within those loyal to her, and since Willowfrost was getting old and needing an apprentice, she tried to pressure Moondapple into becoming a medicine cat. When her daughter refuses, she sets a trap to injure her so she has no choice, and her plan works, but ends up accidentally killing her mother in the process. Her grip on reality starts to falter, and she becomes haunted with the guilt of those she's killed. She becomes ruthless, and starts lashing out on those around her. Concerned, those closest to her try to bring her back, and it all comes to a breaking point when, after learning of her past crimes (Shadestep admits his role in all of it, and the pieces fall together), Willowfrost leads Applefrost, Moondapple, Mistyeyes, and Shadestep together to confront Swanstar. During the confrontation, Swanstar lashes out at her former mate and kills her. Terrified, and horrified by what she becomes, she flees the Clan. As punishment for her actions, her lives are stripped from her by StarClan. She wanders for many moons, guilt ridden and remorseful, until, one day in her old age she finds a wounded kitten in a farm. In an attempt to atone, she takes the kitten in and names her Lightning, serving as a grandmother-type figure to her, and telling her stories of the Clans. One night, when Lightning is 5 moons old, a pack of dogs break loose. Swanstar saves lightning from the dogs, but loses her life in the process. Upon her death, she is confronted with Applefrost (now a starclan cat). Aplefrost tells her that because of what she's done, she has no place in StarClan. But, her actions in death don't earn her the dark forest either. Instead, she is doomed to walk as a solitary spirit on earth for the rest of her days. She travels back to the Clans as a spirit to watch over her kin, and is shocked to find that her grandaughter Deersong can actually see her. She sticks close to Deersong, and tried to guide her, telling her about her story and her regrets. When Lightning joins the clan, and Deersong recieved a prophecy, she tries to help her grandaughter. WIP

Check out this amazing animatic featuring Swanstar