Kurai Kotone // Koto



8 months, 14 days ago


⋆。°Kurai Kotone°。⋆

Called Koto

Gender Male

Pronouns He/him

Age 25

Race Dark elf/Human

Job Bounty Hunter

Theme N/A

HTML Pinky


Born from a dark elven father and a human mother, Koto possesses not only the dark elves' natural affinity for dangerous and difficult dark magic, he also has the humans' ability to train and strengthen his magic to be as strong as his body and mind allow it to be. Thanks to these genetics, as well as a desire to be strong and feared, Koto has become the strongest known Dark Sorcerer in Leotera, using his magic and ability to hunt, track and take down even the toughest of bounties.

As a well known bounty hunter, Koto takes many different jobs, but not just any bounty will catch his attention. He will only take jobs that interest him, meaning that he prefers a challenge. Every now and then he'll settle for easy work, if he's feeling lazy, but he doesn't find joy in his work if he doesn't feel like he's being challenged to grow in his abilities or adapt to a new situation.


Height 5'9"

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Dark

Hair Color Dark/muted blue

Demeanor Carefree & deadly

Birthday 11/12

Zodiac Scorpio


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

While it can be off-putting to his peers and prey, Koto is very laid-back and carefree. Rarely without a smile (sincere or sinister) he does his best to find the best in a situation. He can be dishonest and misdirecting at times, but always keeps his word and promises. He also does his absolute best to work hard, finding no excuse for laziness and a lack of motivation in himself.



As his parents would often prepare it, cooked fish and other seafood dishes are Koto's go-to decisions for meals. While he isn't picky about his seafood, sushi is his all-time favorite.


The cold and rainy seasons remind Koto of his childhood and parents, memories he holds onto desperately. He hates the heat, and in the warm weather seasons he prefers to visit regions with colder climates.


Being a devout follower of Jiao-Long, the Dragon Fish God of the Sea, Koto had a soft spot for the ocean and beaches. They're his favorite place to make offerings to Jiao, claiming that he feels 'a closer connection to Jiao, as if he were thanking me for the gifts that I burn.'


Koto loves few things more than joking around and finding the humor in any situation, which is often offputting to others, especially his prey.


Greasy Meals

Being used to cooking wild game outdoors, Koto has developed a distaste for greasy, crunchy, and overcooked food.


Warm seasons can be difficult for Koto, as summer was when he lost his parents in a violent attack. During this time he does all he can to keep his body cool, even going as far as showering and bathing in cold water.

His Name

Growing up, Koto was often made fun of by other kids for his full given name, 'Kotone', which is primarily feminine. Calling him by this name is one sure-fire way to anger him.

Messy Ex

Serving as an inconvenient thorn in Koto's side at times, Kuro is his on-again/off-again girlfriend. A raging pessissimist with control issues, she's often seen as a toxic spike in Koto's life, coming and going and simply keeping Koto miserable when around.

Color Palette



Koto has a singular tattoo that wraps around his left shoulder. It depicts the outlines of three leaves, a muted blue color. The two large leaves represent Koto's parents, and the smaller leaf, falling away from the other two, is for Koto himself. The leaves were chosen because fall is where Koto's fondest memories of his family being together lie. The small leaf, falling away from it's parents, is for Koto's traumatic loss of his mother and father, something he never truly recovered from.


Koto has various scars across his body, and several carry stories he's more than willing to share. He wears them with pride, never shy about them being visible with his usual outfit of a simple tanktop and pants. The only ones that people aren't allowed to ask about are the ones he keeps intentionally covered, such as those around his eye...


Very few people know the true nature of what happened to Koto's right eye. The injuries and change to the eye were actually the result of taking a direct hit from dark magic there. This happened when Koto was very young, and a Dark Elf from his father's tribe managed to finally find his family. The man mercilessly slaughtered young Koto's parents, but after seeing the child attempt to intervene and take a full force strike of dark magic to the face he strangely couldn't bring himself to end Koto alongside them.

While primarily serving the purpose of covering unsightly scarring, Koto's eyepatch also sports a hand-made design. Koto hand-stitched the messy embroidery of his eyepatch all by himself through trial and error. The pattern is made to resemble the symbol of Jiao-Long, the very god who Koto worships in memory of his father.







Dragon-Fish God

Jiao-Long, Dragon-Fish God of the Sea, is a god closely related with many types of magics, enchantments and materia specifically. He's also often associated with dark magic, being one of the creatures to originally use it. Because of this, he was highly revered by the Dark Elves who ended up gaining a natural affinity for the magic. However, the Dark Elves also gain a distaste and hatred for humans, the very creatures that Jiao-Long favors in an age-old war long ago. Because of this, most Dark Elves disregard their god, and instead make offerings simply out of tradition.


While most Dark Elves denounce Jiao for his involvement with humans, there are very few who still remain loyal to him, hidden human sympathizers. Koto's father was one of these. Despite being raised to be against humans and being taught to treat them only as sacrifices, Kurai was fascinated by humans, and often desired to befriend them when he found them captives of his tribe. Several times he made it his mission to set these captives free, though rarely was he successful.







Though they start out as rivals, Scarlett quickly manages to capture's Koto's attention, and eventually his heart. Even though things get bumpy for the pair, Koto manages to prove himself a worthy lover and the two remain together as a couple.




Taking after her father most, Kaimana is very close with Koto. The two can oftentimes be inseperable, constantly finding different activities to do together. Koto calls her 'Ume', a nickname he chose from one of Jiao-Long's preferred offerings, plums from Crowe.






After spending his young life worshipping, offering, and praying to the Dragon-Fish God of the Sea Koto has an oppurtunity to come face to face with the very god he's dedicated so much time to. Koto discovers that the God often looked forward to the offerings he gave, and in return for his dedication Jiao helps Koto with a major problem in answer to a prayer. Koto manages to maintain a relationship with the God, serving him more closely than he ever could have hoped. The great Dragon-Fish God even becomes godfather to Koto's children.



Upon Kuro's request, Koto took her as a student to teach her how to control the dark magic she was born with. While not as powerful magically or physically, Kuro is able to do quite a number on Koto's self-esteem and mental state. The two are the definition of dysfunctional when together, and Koto often ends up fleeing, or deliberately angering Kuro so that she'll leave. Despite these efforts however, the two always seem to fall back into each other. That is, until Koto meets Scarlett, and things change for all involved.