Circe Aeaea



7 months, 25 days ago





 NAME   Circe Aeaea

 PRONOUNS   she/they

 AGE   22

 SPECIES   Human

 GENDER   Demi-girl

 ORIENTATION   Pansexual

 OCCUPATION Bartender, Thief

 THEME  twilight - boa

A charismatic bartender that could rob you blindly, Circe is responsible, yet mischievous. After the incident on Ithaca many years ago, she and her mom moved out to Naraka to start over fresh with their recently acquired business, Moly Brewery. Unbeknownst to her mom, she spends a lot of her time bartending to seduce men, women and everyone else in between, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to swindle and dispose / kill them afterwards. She's a very bold, outgoing and charming person, but how deep this runs is very questionable, as she's got a very unhinged and chaotic pinch to her at all times as well. She's very hung up on her past, and despite her outwards personality, there's a void inside of her.


  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • women
  • her job!


  • icky men
  • bad customers
  • Euly
  • 3 dollar bills


  • Her favorite drink is cranberry juice. Were you expecting alcohol?
  • Her right arm was disfigured during the Ithaca incident. Using money from her and her mother's business, they were able to get a state of the art prosthetic.
  • Moly Brewery is a very interesting place. Cafe at day, absolute club at the night. When the life there changes, Circe uses it to her advantage to commit her crimes.
  • Euly and Circe are exes. It was not a good breakup.


  • -KUNAI: Just like Euly and Karna, they're able to produce psychic versions of their physical weapons, the kunai. 

  • -WEAPONS: Dual kunai, used for general slashing, cuts, fast swiping and quick stabs. She always has them on her, just in case.


A bubbly, bright and generally very beautiful person. She has the charisma to get away with murder, which she has used. Despite this, she would never bring harm to people genuinely just trying to enjoy her business. It's only to those that try to woo her, or to those she finds annoying. Easy to approach! Easy to talk to, comes naturally with being a bartender. She's also a huge party animal, and incredibly chaotic, both intoxicated and otherwise. When she gets drunk or high, it makes her very loopy, comical and sometimes even a little aggressive. She abuses substances, and it comes from her past trauma, and things she'd like to leave behind in the past.


Moly Brewery, The Brew of Her Heart

Many years ago, when Circe was in high school, Euly and Circe were lovers. It was real love, at some point. You couldn't separate the two. Completely different set of people at the time. But unfortunately, all good things must end. The Ithaca Incident struck, a traumatic experience for everyone, but especially for Circe. They lose their arm during the entire thing! She splits with Euly for a myriad of reasons, but a main one was that she just couldn't deal with him at that point. She couldn't commit. Her mom was already in the process for moving to the big city a few weeks after the incident, and so began her venture into the city. The spot her mother chose was perfect, since they had made big bucks moving into a busy street of the city. With the money gathered from all the tips they were making, Circe is able to get a prosthetic.

Although things looked good for the Aeaea duo, Circe was not mentally well. She was severely ill, and feeling a sense of burden for already costing so much money for needing to move and to replace her arm, she could not admit she had problems. Circe was deceivingly well at masking her issues, which grew her charisma since her time at Ithaca, something she definitely didn't have as a soft spoken, loser girl back in her high school days. With all of this, plus the fact they owned a cafe/bar, made for a bad combo in terms of the way she treated herself. She became more erratic, lost a lot of her morality, and started caring less about everything. She dressed entirely different, wore her hair different, a complete 180 from her quiet self at Ithaca, and she fell into the world of substance abuse. With this, also began the murders of customers that she found as nuisances. Naturally, moving into a big city comes with creeps, and she got plenty of those. With that, came with back and forth flirting, to the bedroom they go, and before Circe even took off anything, she would kill them right then and there, and steal their money. Although *justified*, they'd completely lost their way.

Seeing Euly again, with two little shits by his side, brought back horrific memories. Despite this, she can't help but want to be there simply to be a nuisance to Euly, and make his life hell. Or maybe, something had changed in her heart.

Coming Into Play (TBD)


Bug  companion 


Euly  tbd 
