


7 months, 26 days ago



they/he - demiromantic gay

48 moons.


houndcrawler is a feline noted to be rather strange. he tends to slink around camp, not showing themselves often, and are usually outside of camp causing some type of bloodshed- either on cats or prey. they often have blood sticking to their fur, along with mud, bugs, and other things. even among their clan they're deemed strange and downright mean- as when they are seen in camp it's to yell or snarl at someone else. the only exception is when they're with their mate- which is a relationship nobody gets but them. regardless, there doesn't seem to be enough cats who care to do anything about it- especially with the war, as houndcrawler tends to be an excellent asset when battles occur. nobody gets what on earth made them get the position of delegate- many just assume it's just because of his battle skills. houndcrawler themselves doesn't even seem to know or care. they'd be just as happy as a hunter.

-would leave their fur covered in blood and bugs if brinegloom didn't clean it off.

-really likes the rain.

-was adopted into the clan at a moon old. can't remember his parents at all.

design notes.

-cheek fur has six points in groupings of two.

-long, thickly furred tail. drags on the ground.

-earrings + bracelet all optional.

-eyebags are required.

-can be drawn with blood / bugs / dirt in his fur. nasty ass man.