50-100$'s Comments

accept holds?

i do! how long would you need them on hold for?

i’d love to purchase them for 50$ if you’d take that :))


cool! do you take paypal? and if so lmk your user so i can send payment!

i can offer their worth in art !! more recent examples in my art tab :3


Sorry I probably wouldn’t do art for them atm <\3 you do have some gorgeous ocs but I don’t think anyone worth matches (they’re all over “🍂”’s worth)

who did you see? anyone tagged FH is offlimits 

I love puppy

hm I'd do puppy but there's such a large worth gap, any chance you'd be able to add anything on?

I could add on another oc if I have someone you like!

2 Replies

id love a ping if ever ufs :>>

They’re ufo rn!

Oh bet! what would u look for? 

i love your artwork, theyre worth 50m, if youd feel comfy with art could u priv message me ?

your improvement is amazing!! this is a beautiful design and drawing ;'--)))

WTF ty ;__; this means a lot

Anyone in my th-

i only like beau

They’re ufo! Figured I’d ping you

I can offer anyone from my storage! CorgiBeanQueen 🩷


I also have Duncan on this account in my secondaries that I'm thinking of letting go! If you do like him, we could possibly discuss a trade? ^^ 

i don’t think i’m interested ;^^

Anyone in my th-




$60 insta!
