heyo could i purchase a chibi of IC? :3

hello!! sorry, I forgot to update the status.. >__< I have quite a lot of orders right now, so I'm not sure I'll make it!! 

you can order it later when the commissions open again <:з 

awh ok could i be pinged when they open again? :D

ofc!! <з

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hii, okay! <з would it be more convenient for you to contact me at discord or communicate here? 

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Hi!! I'd love to be pinged when your commissions open if it's possible?? :0

okay!! <з

hello!! my commissions are open, if you're still interested!! <з

Hi!! Yes i'd love to buy a commission if possible!! :3 would it be okay to get a hold on a slot/book a slot until thursday?? :0 I get paid then and would love to buy one!! :3 Also, is it okay if i pay via boosty? I don't have a paypal yet but i do have a card!! ^^

ofc, it's okay!! I will be waiting for your message ^__^

Awesome!! I'll dm you when i am able to pay!! :3

can i get a ping?


hii!! my commissions are open, if you're still interested!! <:з

are these still open?? :3

yepp! <:з

wahhhh!! what are the examples of the animated icons and the chibis? :>

would it be convenient for you to contact me immediately in the discord? I would show you new examples >__<

I can contact on discord! or do you have a server?

actually I found your discord on your main page! I added you :3

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okay, tysm!! my discord is kiryaaamyam <:з


do u by any chances do couple art ;__; ?? your art is so cute :,D 

no, sorry! >__< btw thank you so much <з

AHH can i book a slot for later i dont have money rn but i love ur art

ohh, please forgive me for such a late reply!! >__<

tysm, everything is fine, you can book a slot <з

LATE REPLY IS FINE ^^!! ill be able to order a slot in the next month most likely!! i think id want a bust or headshot ^^

okay!! I will be waiting for your message <з

I would like a commission if you are able ^^

ohh, I'm sorry, I didn't get a notification about your comment!! >__<

of course, if you still want to <з would it be convenient for you to write to discord or discuss the details here?

can i book a slot for when my ocs design is finished? :D

of course! I will be waiting for your message ^__^

hi hi ! ! i should be getting $ within the next few days n her design should hopefully b finalized soon, is there anyway I could get ur discord for more communication? :D just so u don't think I left u hanging </3

hello!! it's okay, don't worry about it <з is the link in my profile not working?

no sorry,, i keep clicking it and it just doesnt bring anything up

it's all right!! sorry, I'm not good at this myself yet ( ; ω ; ) can you find me by my nickname? kiryaaamyam

1 Replies